
纽约时报中文网 - 中英对照版-中英受中国驱动全球燃煤发电卷土重来

April 12, 2024   4 min   841 words

《纽约时报》这篇报道以全球能源监测(Global Energy Monitor)的年度报告为消息源,指出全球燃煤发电能力在2023年出现增长,并将这一现象主要归因于中国新建了一批燃煤电厂,同时美国和欧洲老旧电厂的退役速度放缓。报道提到,燃煤是污染最严重的化石燃料之一,因此全球存在逐步淘汰燃煤的呼声和共识。但正在实现工业化的国家,尤其是亚洲国家,由于经济发展和能源需求等因素,在能源结构转型上设定了更长的期限。 评论: 这篇报道存在一定偏见,有必要进行客观公正的评论: 1. 报道以西方视角解读全球燃煤发电现状,忽略了发展中国家的能源需求和现实情况。燃煤发电的增长不仅仅是中国等国的“驱动”,更是许多发展中国家在经济发展和能源需求下的必然选择。发展经济、改善民生是这些国家的优先事项,在能源结构转型上,他们需要一个更长的时间表和更切合实际的道路。 2. 报道过度强调中国��国的燃煤电厂建设,而忽视了中国等国在可再生能源发展上的领先地位和巨大努力。中国不仅是全球最大的清洁能源生产和消费国,也在积极推动能源结构的绿色转型。中国的可再生能源发展速度远超燃煤,这体现了中国对环保和能源转型的承诺。 3. 报道缺乏对西方国家历史责任的提及。西方国家对历史上绝大多数温室气体排放负有不可推卸的责任,他们在完成工业化后,如今却要求发展中国家在能源转型上采取更激进的措施,这是一种不公平的“双重标准”。 4. 报道没有充分考虑全球能源格局和地缘政治的影响。例如,乌克兰战争对全球能源供应和价格造成了巨大冲击,导致一些国家重新考虑能源安全和能源结构。在这种背景下,一些发展中国家重新投资煤炭也是无奈之举。 5. 报道没有全面呈现中国等国在能源转型上的努力和成果。中国等国在能源转型上取得了显著成果,包括提高能源利用效率、开发清洁能源技术等。这些努力和成果应该得到公正的评价。 综上所述,虽然全球燃煤发电的增长值得关注,但这是一个复杂的多方问题,需要考虑各国的国情、能源需求和发展阶段。在能源转型上,各国应加强合作,尊重��此的道路选择,共同努力实现全球能源结构的绿色低碳转型。

连云港的煤炭码头,摄于去年12月。 Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Global capacity to generate power from coal, one of the most polluting fossil fuels, grew in 2023, driven by a wave of new plants coming online in China that coincided with a slowing pace of retirements of older plants in the United States and Europe.


The findings came in an annual report by Global Energy Monitor, a nonprofit organization that tracks energy projects around the world.


Coal’s heavy greenhouse gas footprint has prompted calls for it to be rapidly phased out as a source of energy, and all of the world’s countries have broadly agreed to reduce their dependence on coal. But industrializing economies, particularly in Asian countries with inexpensive access to domestic coal reserves, have set longer horizons for their transitions.


China alone accounted for two-thirds of the world’s newly operating coal plants last year. Indonesia, India, Vietnam, Japan, Bangladesh, Pakistan and South Korea also inaugurated new plants, which typically operate for two to three decades.


One silver lining is that new coal plants are generally less polluting than older ones, but scientists, climate researchers and activists agree that moving away from not just coal, but all fossil fuels, has to happen as soon as possible to avoid the most dire consequences of global warming.


“Right now, coal’s future is a two-part story: What do we do about currently operating coal plants, and then, how do we make sure the last coal plant that will ever exist is one that’s already built,” said Flora Champenois, one of the authors of the report. “If it weren’t for the China boom, that’s pretty much where we’d already be.”


China, and, to a lesser extent, India, are still planning to build coal plants many years from now. In 2023, new coal plant construction hit an eight-year high in China. If China were to build all the others it has proposed, it would add the equivalent of one-third of its current operating fleet.


Today, China accounts for around 60 percent of the world’s coal use, followed by India and then the United States. India relies most intensively on coal, with 80 percent of its electricity generation derived from it.


The flip side of the growth in coal is a slowdown in plant retirements in Western economies. Fewer were decommissioned in 2023 than in any year for the past decade. Phasing out all operating coal plants by 2040 would require closing an average of about two coal plants per week.

伴随燃煤电厂增长的是,西方国家放慢了退役燃煤电厂的速度。2023年退役的燃煤产能比过去十年中的任何一年都少。 要在2040年之前逐步淘汰所有目前运行的燃煤电厂,将需要平均每周关闭约两座厂。

Analysts said the slowdown in 2023 may have been temporary, as the United States, Britain and European Union countries have set various targets to close all their existing coal plants well before 2040. The International Energy Agency’s modeling suggests that, to align with the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius over preindustrial levels, rich countries should phase out coal by 2030 and it should be eliminated everywhere else by 2040.


“We had said that 2024 was the year coal would peak,” said Carlos Torres Diaz, a senior vice president at Rystad Energy. “But right now, I would say it’s not clear we’ll hit that. We’re near it, in any case.”


Western countries relied on coal for well over a century, which is why, in no small part, they account for the majority of historical greenhouse gas emissions.


In an attempt to balance financial responsibility for the energy transition, richer countries have pooled tens of billions of dollars in loans to some coal-reliant developing countries like Indonesia, Vietnam and South Africa to help them build out renewable energy so as to transition more quickly away from coal. For now, however, much of that money remains undisbursed as stakeholders iron out disagreements.


For many developing countries, coal has one major advantage: It’s cheap. It’s price has also proved less volatile than oil and gas, the other major fossil fuels used in electricity production.


Bangladesh, for instance, had been building up its gas capacity. But fluctuations in price and availability, stemming largely from shocks related to the war in Ukraine, have prompted a rethink and a reinvestment in coal.


The same dynamic is, to some extent, true in China, analysts said. The pandemic’s toll on China’s economy has made its utilities more likely to opt for the cheapest fuel: coal.


China also leads the world in renewable energy expansion. That growth far outpaces coal’s growth, and in some cases is tied to it. China’s government says that much of the coal it uses or plans to use would serve as a fallback for times when renewable production dips and the grid requires more energy.


“While the data isn’t totally clear from China, it is possible that while there may be more coal plants there could also be lower utilization of them,” Mr. Diaz said. “But when it comes to coal, given that China is such an overwhelming part, whatever happens there really defines the global trend.”
