
纽约时报中文网 - 英文原版-英Driven by China Coal Plants Made a Comeback in 2023

April 12, 2024   2 min   266 words

这篇纽约时报的文章标题是《在华为煤驱动下,煤电厂在2023年强势回归》。文章的主要内容可以概括如下: - 据纽约时报报道,2023年全球煤电产量增长,结束了多年的下降趋势,这主要是中国推动的结果。 - 报道援引全球能源监测智库的数据称,2023年全球煤电产量预计增长2%,其中中国占到增量的80%。 - 文章提到中国为保证能源安全和经济增长而推动煤电发展的举措,包括增加国内煤炭生产和进口,加快新建煤电项目审批等。 - 此外,文章还提到中国在应对气候变化和减少碳排放方面的承诺和努力,但质疑中国当前推动煤电发展的做法与减排目标相矛盾。 对于这篇报道,我作为客观公正的评论员有以下几点评论: 首先,该报道在一定程度上反映了中国煤电产业的现状和发展趋势。在中国,煤电仍然是保障能源安全和电力供应的重要手段,尤其是在新冠疫情和能源短缺等因素影响下,煤电发挥了重要的兜���作用。 其次,该报道存在一定程度的偏见和误导。虽然中国煤电产量的增长对全球煤电产业反弹的影响重大,但并非唯一原因。其他因素还包括全球能源需求的增长、天然气等清洁能源价格的上涨,以及一些发展中国家经济发展对能源的需求等。此外,报道没有全面反映中国在能源结构转型和减排方面的努力和成果,而是以偏概全地强调中国煤电产业的发展,给读者一种中国在气候变化问题上不作为的印象。 最后,能源转型和减排是一个长期的过程,需要考虑各国的国情和发展阶段。中国是全球最大的发展中国家,仍然处于工业化和城市化进程中,对能源的需求巨大。在这种背景下,中国积极发展清洁能源,推动能源结构转型,取得了显著成果。同时,中国也努力兼顾能源安全和经济发展,在一定程度上依靠煤电等传统能源来保障能源供应。相信随着技术的进步和国情的变化,中国会继续朝着能源清洁低碳转型的方向努力,为全球应对气候变化做出贡献。

Global capacity to generate power from coal, one of the most polluting fossil fuels, grew in 2023, driven by a wave of new plants coming online in China that coincided with a slowing pace of retirements of older plants in the United States and Europe.

The findings came in an annual report by Global Energy Monitor, a nonprofit organization that tracks energy projects around the world.

Coal’s heavy greenhouse gas footprint has prompted calls for it to be rapidly phased out as a source of energy, and all of the world’s countries have broadly agreed to reduce their dependence on coal. But industrializing economies, particularly in Asian countries with inexpensive access to domestic coal reserves, have set longer horizons for their transitions.

China alone accounted for two-thirds of the world’s newly operating coal plants last year. Indonesia, India, Vietnam, Japan, Bangladesh, Pakistan and South Korea also inaugurated new plants, which typically operate for two to three decades.

A New Surge in Power Use Is Threatening U.S. Climate Goals

A boom in data centers and factories is straining electric grids and propping up fossil fuels.

One silver lining is that new coal plants are generally less polluting than older ones, but scientists, climate researchers and activists agree that moving away from not just coal, but all fossil fuels, has to happen as soon as possible to avoid the most dire consequences of global warming.

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