
纽约时报中文网 - 中英对照版-中英拜登在国情咨文讲话中将如何提及中国

March 8, 2024   4 min   661 words

拜登对中国的强硬立场在国情咨文中再度凸显,凸显了中美关系长期挑战。这一立场延续了特朗普政府的路线,强调加强美军在亚太地区的存在,巩固与日本、韩国、菲律宾和澳大利亚等盟友的军事合作。对于中国的技术崛起,尤其是涉及国家安全的领域,拜登采取了限制措施,包括限制半导体制造设备和先进芯片的出口。这种“小院子、高围栏”的策略旨在保护关键技术不被中国滥用。 尽管中美关系在2023年陷入低谷,但通过一系列高层会谈,两国寻求缓解紧张局势。对台湾问题的处理成为两国最大的分歧点,而对话机制的建立旨在避免误解和潜在危机的发生。拜登政府还强调中美合作应对跨国问题,如防止中国化学品在非法生产芬太尼方面的合作。 总体而言,拜登在国情咨文中对中国的立场强硬而务实,通过外交和军事手段维护美国利益,同时强调合作解决共同问题。这一坚定态度对于塑造未来中美关系至关重要。

拜登和习近平去年11月在旧金山郊外会面,时逢亚太经合组织峰会。 Doug Mills/The New York Times

President Biden and his aides have said China poses the greatest long-term challenge to the United States. This is a message he could reiterate in his State of the Union address on Thursday, especially because China has been a potent foreign policy issue invoked by American politicians in recent election years.


In his 2020 campaign and during his tenure as president, Mr. Biden has stuck to a get-tough-on-China message, a continuation of the public posture that Donald J. Trump pushed in his previous campaigns and when he was in office.


Mr. Biden and his aides have argued that their strategy on China has been more coherent and ambitious than that of Mr. Trump. They seek to emphasize ways in which they have strengthened the presence of the U.S. military in the Asia-Pacific region and bolstered the war-fighting capabilities of treaty allies: Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and Australia. All these nations harbor some suspicions over China’s rapid military growth and its expansionist policy in the South and East China Seas.


From the perspective of the Biden administration, new military agreements and coalitions among Asian allies help deter potential aggressive moves by China.


Mr. Biden also points to actions he has taken to constrain advances in Chinese technology that he says has national security implications, including artificial intelligence and quantum computing.


On that front, he has tried to get allied nations, namely Japan and the Netherlands, to limit exports of semiconductor manufacturing equipment to China, and the Commerce Department has imposed export controls on advanced semiconductor chips to Chinese companies.


His national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, has said the goal is to take a “small yard, high fence” approach to protecting critical technology in the United States and other nations that China could use for military or espionage purposes.


Relations between the United States and China reached the lowest point in decades in February 2023, when the Pentagon discovered a Chinese spy balloon floating over the continental United States. After a few days, a U.S. fighter jet shot down the balloon off the East Coast, which inflamed Chinese officials. That same month, Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken accused China of considering sending arms to Russia for use in its war in Ukraine.


China refused for months to engage in high-level diplomacy. Then Xi Jinping, China’s leader, welcomed Mr. Blinken to Beijing in June, his first visit there in his post. Other cabinet-level American officials followed. In November, Mr. Biden and Mr. Xi met near San Francisco, on the sidelines of an economic summit of Asian and Pacific nations. The two leaders agreed that their militaries should resume direct high-level talks, and the first set of the discussions among officers took place in January in Washington.


“Our strategy was to use those meetings to open up a two-way flow of exchanges, and that’s exactly what happened,” Jake Sullivan, the White House national security adviser, said in a January speech on China at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington, referring to the series of high-level meetings that took place in 2023. “This intensive diplomacy was about managing tough issues rather than patching up the relationship.”


Many analysts see the status of Taiwan, the de facto independent island, as the biggest flashpoint between the two nations, and U.S. officials say the militaries should have channels of communication to avoid misunderstandings that could lead to a fatal escalation.


The Biden administration has also said Chinese officials are now willing to speak with U.S. and Mexican counterparts about how to better prevent chemicals made by Chinese companies from being used in the illicit production of fentanyl in Mexico and other parts of North America.


U.S. officials say relations between the world’s two superpower rivals are now stable, if consistently tense, and Mr. Biden could emphasize that when he speaks to Congress on Thursday night.
