纽约时报中文网 - 中英对照版-中英微短剧爆火拥有中国血统的ReelShort能征服美国吗
February 1, 2024 6 min 1255 words
这篇报道介绍了ReelShort这款手机应用,以及其在美国市场上取得的成功。该应用提供了一种全新的微短剧体验,通过吸引女性观众,以简单而具有情节的方式迅速吸引用户。相较于Quibi的失败,ReelShort聚焦在肥皂剧式内容上,成功利用了亚太地区在疫情期间流行的极短剧情形式。文章中提到,ReelShort的成功是通过低成本制作、小团队合作和迎合女性肥皂剧爱好者的独特模式取得的。 ReelShort在中国公司Crazy Maple Studio的支持下,正尝试在美国市场复制其在国外建立的成功模式。与其他短视频应用不同,ReelShort的商业模式注重迅速吸引用户,通过短期内提供令人着迷的情节,以“现收现付”的方式获取利润。文章还提到,尽管ReelShort与TikTok等应用存在竞争关系,但由于其专注于微短剧内容,目标受众是喜欢肥皂剧的女性,因此在市场上形成了一种差异化。 总体而言,ReelShort在短时间内在美国市场上取得了巨大成功,其独特的商业模式和对受众需求的敏感使其在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出。这也引发了对微短剧在未来娱乐产业中的潜在影响和发展趋势的关注。
When Albee Zhang received an offer to produce cheesy short-form features made for phones last spring, she was skeptical, and so, she declined.
But the offers kept coming. Finally, Ms. Zhang, who has been a producer for 12 years, realized it could be a profitable new way of storytelling and said yes.
Since last summer, she has produced two short-form features and is working on four more for several apps that are creating cookie-cutter content aimed at women.
Think: Lifetime movie cut up into TikTok videos. Think: soap opera, but for the short attention span of the internet age.
The biggest player in this new genre is ReelShort, an app that offers melodramatic content in minute-long, vertically shot episodes and is hoping to bring a successful formula established abroad to the United States by hooking millions of people on its short-form content.
ReelShort is owned by Crazy Maple Studio, a company in Northern California that is backed by the Beijing-based digital publisher COL Group.
ReelShort的所有者是总部设在加利福尼亚州北部的Crazy Maple Studio,其背后有中国数字出版商中文在线集团的支持。
ReelShort’s titles include “The Double Life of My Billionaire Husband,” “I Got Married Without You” and “Bound by Vendetta: Sleeping With the Enemy.” The shows are formulaic: The plotlines include romance and revenge, the characters are archetypical and the dialogues are simple.
ReelShort制作的微短剧包括《亿万富翁丈夫的双重生活》(The Double Life of My Billionaire Husband)、《没你我也能嫁人》(I Got Married Without You),以及《仇杀之缚:与敌同眠》(Bound by Vendetta: Sleeping With the Enemy)。这些短剧很公式化,情节包括浪漫与复仇,有典型的人物和简单的对话。
The extremely short genre became popular in the Asia-Pacific region during the pandemic, and Joey Jia, the chief executive of Crazy Maple Studio, took notice.
微短剧是新冠病毒大流行期间在亚太地区火起来的,Crazy Maple Studio的首席执行官贾毅注意到了这点。
ReelShort aims to get people hooked as quickly as possible, with much of the action happening in the first few super short episodes. “This is a pay-as-you-go model,” Mr. Jia said. “If people are confused by the story, they leave.”
The cost of making these features is relatively low, $300,000 or less, according to Crazy Maple Studios. The crews are small and partly made up of recent film graduates in Los Angeles, according to actors who worked on the productions.
据Crazy Maple Studios称,制作这些微短剧的成本相对较低,只需30万美元或更少。据参与制作的演员说,剧组规模不大,其中一些人是住在洛杉矶的电影专业近期毕业生。
Viewers can watch dozens of minute-long episodes on ReelShort for free via multiple platforms, including YouTube and TikTok. But at some point, they must either pay or watch ads to unlock subsequent episodes.
Sometimes people pay as much as $10 or $20 to keep watching, Ms. Zhang, the producer, said. “Isn’t that a crazy business?”
In December, Mr. Jia told The Wall Street Journal that the company had already made $22 million in revenue.
贾毅去年12月对《华尔街日报》说,他的公司已取得了 2200万美元的收入。
In the United States, ReelShort is trying to succeed where the short-form content company Quibi failed. Quibi launched in early 2020 and shut down that same year, partly because of what its founder Jeffrey Katzenberg called bad timing: The app offered five- to 10-minute videos of news and entertainment for people on the go, right as people stopped going anywhere because of pandemic lockdowns.
And while Quibi focused on more highbrow content with A-list stars, ReelShort is doing the opposite: It’s giving people juicy plot points, from werewolves to evil step mothers to secret billionaire husbands to more werewolves.
“We learned a lot from Quibi,” said Mr. Jia, the Crazy Maple Studio executive. ReelShort isn’t trying to appeal to everyone, like Quibi tried to do, he added.
“To build a successful mobile app, you need to find out your core audience,” he said. And that audience is women who love soap operas. (ReelShort’s audience is roughly 75 percent female, Mr. Jia said.)
Mr. Jia said he wasn’t trying to compete with streamers like Netflix. If you’re free to sit on your couch for a few hours, ReelShort is probably not the app you’re opening. It’s for those in-between moments: at a bus stop, in the bathroom.
“We are using a very different business model,” Mr. Jia said, “and serving a different time.”
ReelShort is hardly the first app owned or partly owned by a Chinese company to break through in the United States. TikTok and the shopping apps Shein and Temu have been among the most downloaded in recent months in Apple’s American app store.
But for TikTok, which is owned by the Chinese company ByteDance, this has been problematic. Lawmakers in the United States, Europe and Canada have expressed concerns that TikTok and its parent company may put people’s sensitive personal information into the hands of the Chinese government, and they have worked to restrict access to the wildly popular app. ReelShort has not faced the same kind of pressure.
Last month, ReelShort was downloaded one million times and earned $5 million in revenue in Apple’s app store, according to the data firm Sensor Tower, and it was downloaded three million times in the Google Play Store, earning $3 million in revenue there. Since November, ReelShort has ranked somewhere in the top 15 of most popular entertainment apps in both app stores on most days. (For a few days in November, ReelShort even surpassed TikTok as the most popular entertainment app in Apple’s app store.)
据数据公司Sensor Tower,上个月,ReelShort在苹果应用商店的下载量达到了100万次,收入达500万美元;在Google Play商店的下载量达到了300万次,收入达300万美元。在去年11月以来的大多数日子里,ReelShort在这两家应用商店的最受欢迎娱乐应用程序排名中都位居前15名。(在去年11月,ReelShort在苹果应用商店最受欢迎的娱乐应用排名中,曾有数天超过了TikTok。)
In total, more than seven million people downloaded ReelShort in the United States in 2023, on Apple and Android phones combined, according to data.ai. Worldwide, there were more than 24 million downloads last year. After the United States, India is ReelShort’s next-largest market, followed by the Philippines.
Kasey Esser, a Los Angeles-based actor who has worked on short-form shows for ReelShort and other apps, described the format as this generation’s soap opera. He drew a comparison to channels with made-for-TV content, such as Hallmark.
“People know exactly the story they’re going to be getting, but they will still watch it,” Mr. Esser, 34, said. “They will still love it.”
For the actress Samantha Drews, ReelShort was a chance to play different types of characters. “I can say now that I’ve been cast in 15 to 16 features in the last few years,” Ms. Drews, 25, said. “That’s not something every actor can say.”
Camille James Harman, 57, had a supporting role in the 2018 movie “Vice,” the Dick Cheney biopic starring Christian Bale that received several Oscar nominations. But she said she received a lot more responses for her starring role as an evil stepmother in the 2023 ReelShort production “The Double Life of My Billionaire Husband.”
Other apps with names that are still unknown to many — Sereal+, ShortTV, DramaBox, FlexTV — have started producing such features, hoping to cash in on ReelShort’s formula.
The quantity of new titles coming out on these platforms is greater than that of many traditional streaming services. And if it’s up to Mr. Jia, that will continue in 2024: “The goal this year is to deliver another 100 titles,” he said.
As ReelShort pumps out its content, the quality of the productions is getting better, said Leomax He, who directed three productions for the app last year. Some shoots now employ a stunt or intimacy coordinator.
“Budgets have gotten larger, the cameras are better, the crews are getting larger,” said Mr. He, 27.
Major studios have not yet dabbled in the genre, but some actors and filmmakers speculated that American companies would soon enough start creating their own short-form content.
“That’s why I am doing so many of these,” Mr. Esser, the actor, said. “It’s a unique opportunity to be the first guy known from these in the U.S.”