纽约时报中文网 - 中英对照版-中英中国去年经济增速破5但债务通缩等问题仍为隐忧
January 17, 2024 3 min 584 words
这篇报道描绘了中国去年经济增长的表面亮点,但也深刻揭示了一系列潜在问题。作者指出,尽管中国经济增速达到5.2%,但债务问题、通缩等仍然存在隐忧。汽车销售的增长主要依赖于大幅折扣,而餐饮和旅游行业也受到消费者选择更便宜选项的影响。长期来看,高债务、房地产危机以及人口老龄化等问题可能会拖累中国经济。 有关西方经济学家对中国未来增长的担忧,尤其是对长期停滞的担忧,表明中国面临复杂的经济挑战。债务水平高企,而房地产市场的不确定性进一步加剧了投资者的忧虑。报道还提到了一些经济学家对中国社会保障网络减弱以及通货紧缩可能对家庭和企业带来的风险的担忧。 总体而言,这篇报道在积极的增长数据中发现了许多潜在的风险,强调了中国经济面临的复杂性和挑战。这对于观察中国未来经济走势的人们提供了深入思考的角度。
Car production set records in China last year. Restaurants and hotels were increasingly full. Construction of new factories surged.
Yet China’s economic strengths conceal weaknesses. Deep discounts helped drive car sales, particularly for electric cars. Diners and travelers chose cheaper dishes and less expensive hotels. Many factories ran at half capacity or less because of weak demand inside China, and are working to export more to make up for it.
China’s economy grew 5.2 percent last year as it rebounded from nearly three years of stringent “zero Covid” pandemic control measures, the country’s National Bureau of Statistics announced on Wednesday. During the final three months of the year, output rose at an annual pace of 4.1 percent.
Longer term, China’s growth is slowing. High debt, a housing crisis that has undermined confidence, and a shrinking and aging work force are weighing on output.
Western economists predict that growth will be 4.5 percent or less this year, the result not of a cyclical downturn but of a grinding decline that may endure for many years, what economists label secular stagnation. Prices are gradually falling to an extent that China hadn’t experienced since the jolt inflicted by the global financial crisis in 2009, a phenomenon known as deflation that could bankrupt heavily indebted families and companies.
“Secular stagnation — basically a chronic excess of savings leading to slow growth, deflation, asset bubbles and financial strains — has moved from the Western Hemisphere to China,” Lawrence H. Summers, a former secretary of the Treasury, said in an interview last week in Shanghai.
Heavy debts, and the steep interest payments they require, are limiting China’s room to maneuver. Ever since the financial crisis, the central and local governments have responded to economic weakness by spending more for new roads and other infrastructure and by lending more to manufacturers in favored industries. That has juiced growth but resulted in ever-rising debt, particularly at the local level.
Last month, the credit rating agency Moody’s issued a negative outlook for the Chinese government’s financial health. Another agency, DBRS Morningstar in Chicago, downgraded in November its rating for China’s government debt.
Rohini Malkani, a senior vice president of sovereign debt ratings at DBRS Morningstar, expressed concern that overall debt in the Chinese economy now exceeds three years’ economic output — a higher level than in industrialized countries like the United States.
“Over the past 15 years, it has more than doubled” compared even with the country’s fast-growing output, she said.
Zhang Jun, dean of the School of Economics at Fudan University in Shanghai, said in a commentary distributed by the East Is Read newsletter in Beijing that the Chinese government was becoming less willing to stimulate the economy by borrowing and spending for infrastructure. As a result, he wrote, “I increasingly feel that the growth slowdown has a certain inevitability.”
在北京的East Is Read通讯发布的一篇评论中,上海复旦大学经济学院院长张军表示,中国政府已经变得不那么愿意通过借贷和基础设施支出来刺激经济,“我越来越觉得,我们看到的增速放缓有一定的必然性。”
The economy’s performance last year was roughly in line with a consensus of 5.3 percent in a survey of economists last week by Caixin, a Chinese news organization. The economy also met the government’s target, set last March, that growth would be about 5 percent. Premier Li Qiang said on Tuesday at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, that the increase last year had been “around 5.2 percent.”