The Guardian-China population decline accelerates as birthrate hits record low
January 17, 2024 3 min 596 words
这篇报道凸显了中国人口问题的严重性,再次创下历史新低的出生率让人深思。2023年,中国人口减少275万,死亡率创下1974年文化大革命以来的最高点,新生儿数量减少5.7%。长期以来的计划生育政策和年轻人对生育的不愿意导致了老龄化趋势,中国已被印度取代成为全球人口最多的国家。 这一“人口定时炸弹”对经济带来的担忧不可忽视,养老和财政支持的上升成本可能无法由日益减少的工作纳税人来承担。政府发布的一系列鼓励生育的政策未能奏效,地方政府因多年来执行资源密集型的“零疫情”系统而面临预算赤字。高昂的生活成本、职场对女性支持不足以及传统性别角色和家庭期望等因素都成为年轻人不愿生育的原因。 虽然一些人抱有希望,认为疫情后可能迎来一波生育高峰,或者在中国龙年出生的愿望,但也有人对此持怀疑态度。有网民表示,单一年度的生育高峰可能给那些日后将参加中国高度竞争性的高考的孩子带来困难。有评论者更为理性,认为新政策或吉祥年份对改变人们的生育观念起到有限作用。
China’s population decline has accelerated, with a second year of record-low birthrates.
The total number of people in China dropped by 2.75 million – or 0.2% – to 1.409 billion in 2023, the National Bureau of Statistics said on Tuesday. The drop surpassed that recorded in 2022, of about 850,000 – the first time the recorded population had declined since the mass deaths of the Mao-era famines.
In 2023, total deaths rose 6.6% to 11.1 million, with the death rate reaching the highest level since 1974 during the cultural revolution. At the same time, new births fell 5.7% to 9.02 million. The birthrate was the lowest ever recorded at 6.39 births per 1,000 people, down from a rate of 6.77 births in 2022.
China has for years been battling trends that have led to an ageing population, which were driven by past policies of population control –including the one-child policy – and a growing reluctance among young adults to have children. In 2023 it was overtaken by India as the world’s most populous nation, according to UN estimates.
Chinese officials fear the impact that this “demographic timebomb” could have on the economy, with the rising costs of aged care and financial support in danger of not being met by a shrinking population of working taxpayers. The state-run Chinese Academy of Sciences has predicted the pension system in its current form will run out of money by 2035. By then the number of people in China above 60 years old – the national retirement age – will have increased from about 280 million to 400 million.
A raft of policies have failed to encourage people to have more children, or have not been properly implemented by local governments, which are suffering budget shortfalls after years of running the resource-intensive zero-Covid system.
People frequently cite the high costs of living in China – particularly in larger cities – as well as poor support for women in jobs, as reasons for not having children. Traditional gender roles and familial expectations have also contributed.
“Though cities have released a slew of … policies to support child-bearing women to give birth, the public’s expectation is still not being met,” He Dan, director of China Population and Development Research Center, told state media outlet the Global Times.
On Tuesday, demographers proposed further reforms of fertility support policies, the Global Times reported. Some also drew hope from suggestions that there may be more babies born in 2024 in a post-pandemic baby boom, or because people wished to have children born in the Chinese zodiac year of the dragon, which starts in February.
Online, some Chinese Weibo users said they had anecdotally noticed many more pregnancies around them which they linked to the zodiac year.
Others were more sceptical, saying a single year baby boom would make life difficult for those children who would later sit for China’s highly competitive college entrance exam.
Several discussions suggested new policies or auspicious years would do little to change their minds. “It’s because I love myself more, and I know that if I was born in a family that is not capable of raising and educating a child, I would suffer more, and I would not be able to experience the joy of life, so let’s cut off the suffering from my generation,” said one commentator.
Reuters contributed to this report