BBC News Top Stories-World Kai Zhuang Police in Utah say Chinese exchange student kidnapped
December 30, 2023 2 min 271 words
这则报道让人感到担忧,中国留学生Kai Zhuang在犹他州被绑架,消息令人震惊。这不仅是一桩个人悲剧,更是涉及中美两国的重大安全问题。绑匪不仅威胁到Kai的生命,还向其家人勒索赎金,加剧了事件的紧急性。警方正在与FBI和中国当局合作,进行全力调查。这起案件引发了人们对留学生安全的关切,也凸显了跨国合作在打击犯罪方面的重要性。我们期待相关部门能够迅速找到Kai Zhuang,还他自由,也呼吁社会各界共同努力,确保留学生在异国他乡的安全。
Police in the US are searching for a teenage Chinese exchange student they believe to have been kidnapped.
Kai Zhuang, 17, was last seen on Wednesday at his home in the town of Riverdale in Utah.
Police said they believe he is being held against his will and is in danger.
Officers were alerted to concerns about Kai's welfare on Thursday evening by the school in Riverdale he was attending, which had been contacted by his parents at home in China.
Riverdale Police Department Chief Casey Warren said the parents told school officials they had been sent a ransom demand and a picture of their son indicating he was abducted.
Officers then visited the home of the host family where the missing teenager was living, who said they were unaware he was not in the house at the time.
The family told police they had seen Kai on the evening of 27 December and may have heard him in the early hours of the following morning.
"At this point there is no evidence to suggest he was taken from the home in Riverdale," Mr Warren told reporters on Friday.
He said officers are working with the FBI in the US and authorities in China and that "several investigative efforts are underway" to find him.
The force has issued an endangered missing person advisory for Kai. They were unable to use the US amber alert system for missing persons as no suspect had yet been identified, Mr Warren said.