
纽约时报中文网 - 中英对照版-中英对俄贸易激增抢占汽车市场中国如何从俄乌战争中获利

December 21, 2023   6 min   1271 words

这篇报道描绘了中国如何通过俄乌战争走向强大,从俄罗斯购买商品、打破对欧美的依赖,尤其是在汽车领域获得了惊人的成功。文章中指出,中国车企在俄罗斯市场的份额由8%迅速飙升至55%,令人瞩目。这一成功部分得益于俄罗斯对中国商品的大量需求,尤其是在能源和汽车方面。文章也提到了中俄之间密切的经济关系,以及两国领导人频繁的互访,表明双方关系的紧密性。 报道还指出,中国在不断加强对俄罗斯的供应,填补了其他国家在俄罗斯市场撤退后的空白,特别是在汽车领域。而中国车企之所以能够如此成功,一方面是由于俄罗斯市场对内燃汽车的偏好,另一方面则是中国能够通过陆地边境快速将汽车运输到俄罗斯,解决了自身海运能力不足的问题。 文章还提到了中俄之间能源合作的细节,包括俄罗斯向中国提供的廉价能源,以及两国合作修建的多条天然气管道。这不仅有助于中国工厂在全球市场中竞争,还为中国解决了能源成本上升的问题。 总体而言,文章对中国在俄乌战争中的经济收益进行了生动的描述,强调了中国在扩大市场份额和经济影响力方面取得的显著成就。

一座清朝将军的雕像矗立在黑河附近,黑河位于黑龙江的中国一侧,标志着与俄罗斯的边界。 Gilles Sabrié for The New York Times

On China’s snowy border with Russia, a dealership that sells trucks has seen its sales double in the past year thanks to Russian customers. China’s exports to its neighbor are so strong that Chinese construction workers built warehouses and 20-story office towers at the border this summer.


The border town Heihe is a microcosm of China’s ever closer economic relationship with Russia. China is profiting from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which has led Russia to switch from the West to China for purchases of everything from cars to computer chips.


Russia, in turn, has sold oil and natural gas to China at deep discounts. Russian chocolates, sausages and other consumer goods have become plentiful in Chinese supermarkets. Trade between Russia and China surpassed $200 billion in the first 11 months of this year, a level the countries had not expected to reach until 2024.


Russia’s war in Ukraine has also gotten an image boost from China. State media disseminates a steady diet of Russian propaganda in China and around the world. Russia is so popular in China that social media influencers flock to Harbin, the capital of China’s northernmost province in the east, Heilongjiang, to pose in Russian garb in front of a former Russian cathedral there.


哈尔滨的圣索菲亚大教堂是这座城市俄罗斯历史的遗迹,在社交媒体上,它已成为穿着俄罗斯服装的网红的打卡地。 Gilles Sabrié for The New York Times
一名中国购物者在一家专营俄罗斯商品的商场里等待付款。 Gilles Sabrié for The New York Times

Xi Jinping, China’s top leader, and Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin, have made numerous public demonstrations of the nations’ close ties. Mr. Xi visited Harbin in early September and declared Heilongjiang to be China’s “gateway to the north.” China’s exports to Russia soared 69 percent in the first 11 months of this year compared with the same period in 2021, before the invasion of Ukraine.


“Maintaining and developing China-Russian relations well is a strategic choice made by both sides on the basis of the fundamental interests of the two peoples,” Mr. Xi said as he met in Beijing on Wednesday with the Russian prime minister, Mikhail Mishustin.


China has filled a critical import need for Russia, which many European and American companies shunned after Mr. Putin started his war in February 2022. China has pursued its role as a substitute supplier of goods despite risking its close economic ties with many European nations.


Before the Ukraine invasion, leaders of Germany, France and other European countries mostly set aside differences with China over issues like human rights to emphasize commerce. Chinese officials, for their part, insist that they should not be forced to choose between Europe and Russia, and that China should be free to do business with both.


The biggest winners for China from the surge in trade with Russia have been its vehicle manufacturers.


黑河的一家俄罗斯餐馆。 Gilles Sabrié for The New York Times
商场里出售的俄罗斯油画。 Gilles Sabrié for The New York Times

On a recent afternoon in Heihe, lines of diesel freight trucks with decals of snarling bears, a symbol of Russia, on their drivers’ doors waited to be driven across an Amur River bridge to Russia. The bridge is new, and so are the trucks, which wore Genlyon badges, a brand that belongs to the state-owned Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation. The company, known as SAIC, also makes car brands like MG, acquired from Britain.


The sales helped China overtake Japan this year as the world’s largest car exporter. German manufacturers like Mercedes-Benz and BMW used to be strong sellers in Russia, but they have pulled out in response to sanctions on the country by Europe, the United States and their allies.


Sales of luxury cars in Russia have plunged, contributing to a decline in the overall size of the country’s car market, which is now less than half the size of Germany’s. But lower-middle-class and poor Russian families, whose members make up the bulk of the soldiers fighting the war, have stepped up purchases of affordable Chinese cars, according to Alexander Gabuev, the director of the Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center.


One reason, Mr. Gabuev said, are the death and disability payments that the Russian government and insurers are making to families of Russian soldiers — as much as $90,000 in the case of a death.


Russia has not released the number of its killed and wounded, but the United States estimates the total at 315,000.


Russians buy almost exclusively internal combustion cars. China has a surplus of them because its consumers have shifted swiftly to electric cars.


中国制造的卡车在黑河排队等待进入俄罗斯。 Gilles Sabrié for The New York Times
一辆即将运往俄罗斯的中国制造的挖掘机停在黑河为跨境贸易管理人员建造的办公楼前。 Gilles Sabrié for The New York Times

And the land border means China can transport cars to Russia by rail, an important factor because China lacks its own fleet of transoceanic carrier ships for vehicle exports.


The result? Chinese carmakers have grabbed 55 percent of the Russian market, according to GlobalData Automotive. They had 8 percent in 2021.

结果如何?根据GlobalData Automotive的数据,中国汽车制造商已经占据了俄罗斯市场55%的份额。2021年,这个比例是8%。

“Never before have we seen automakers from a single country gobble up so much market share so quickly — the Chinese came into a windfall,” said Michael Dunne, an Asia automotive consultant in San Diego.


The United States has strongly warned China against sending armaments to Russia, and has not yet uncovered evidence that it is doing so. But some civilian equipment that China is selling to Russia, like drones and trucks, also has military uses.


Beijing’s embrace of Russia has also provided a modest but timely boon to China’s construction industry. The economy has struggled to heal from the scars left by almost three years of stringent “zero Covid” measures.


The real estate market is in crisis across China. Tens of millions of apartments are empty or unfinished, and new projects have stalled — depriving the construction sector of work that has long powered jobs.


“Many buildings have been built, but without anyone living inside,” said Zhang Yan, a wooden door vendor in Heihe.


中国游客在黑龙江附近拍照,远处就是俄罗斯境内。 Gilles Sabrié for The New York Times
在哈尔滨一家俄罗斯主题餐厅。 Gilles Sabrié for The New York Times

But some laborers are finding work on the 2,600-mile Russian border, which until this year had a dearth of truck stops, customs processing centers, rail yards, pipelines and other infrastructure. Construction moved ahead briskly over the summer in cities like Heihe, although it has paused for the frigid winter.


Pipelines are needed for one of the most crucial commodities traded between the two countries: energy.


Cheap Russian energy, bypassing sanctions imposed by the West, has helped Chinese factories compete in global markets even as their manufacturing rivals elsewhere, notably in Germany, have faced sharply higher energy costs for much of the past two years.


Russia has been ramping up natural gas shipments through its Power of Siberia pipeline to China, and has been negotiating to build a second one that would carry gas from fields that served Europe before the Ukraine war. China and Russia also agreed less than three weeks before the Ukraine war to build a third, smaller pipeline that would carry gas from easternmost Russia to northeastern China, and construction on that project has raced ahead.


The newest pipeline will cross land that Russia seized from China in the late 1850s and never returned. As recently as the 1960s, China and the Soviet Union were quarreling over the placement of their border and their troops skirmished. In a village near Heihe, a larger-than-life-size statue of an imperial Chinese general still glares across the Amur River.


Today Russia and China are building bridges and pipelines that cross it.


管道涂上了俄罗斯国旗颜色。廉价的俄罗斯能源帮助中国工厂竞争。 Gilles Sabrié for The New York Times