
The Guardian - China-Taiwan presidential election opposition in chaos as China looms in background

December 6, 2023   5 min   955 words

这篇报道描绘了台湾总统选举前夕的混乱局面,突显了执政党民进党的稳定选项与亲近北京的反对党之间的明显对比。在对待媒体的方式上,执政党的高层表现得沉着冷静,强调维护台湾民主免受北京威胁的决心。而在历史悠久的君悦大酒店,反对党候选人却在试图组建联盟时陷入公开的混乱和争吵。这场风波最终导致科技业巨头郭台铭退出竞选,使得亲近大陆的国民党和亲台的台湾民众党成为争夺非民进党选票的主要竞争者。 整体而言,这次选举呈现出复杂的三方竞争格局,反映了台湾政治多元的一面。报道中提到,现任总统蔡英文的领导风格引起北京的不满,而反对派主张通过更紧密的对话与北京保持和平。台湾选民将面临“延续还是变革”的选择,而两位倾向于“变革”的候选人可能会分散选票,对反对党构成挑战。 此外,报道还强调了台湾对中国的主权问题,突显了中国对台湾主权的主张以及两岸关系的紧张。整体而言,这篇报道呈现了一个充满悬念和挑战的选举局面,反映了台湾政治体系中复杂而敏感的议题。

On the eve of the deadline to formally register as a candidate for Taiwan’s presidential elections in January, the ruling party’s pick for vice-president held a slick and short press conference at a Taipei convention centre. Hsiao Bi-khim, Taiwan’s high-profile diplomatic representative to the US, took few questions from the massive crowd of press. She presented herself as an experienced and pragmatic deputy to presidential candidate Lai Ching-te in a Democratic Progressive party (DPP) administration.

An administration run by Lai and Hsiao, she said, would continue to defend Taiwan’s democracy from Beijing’s authoritarian threats of annexation and preserve “the status quo”.

Across town it was a very different story. At the historic Grand Hyatt hotel, three opposition candidates gathered for a very public last-ditch attempt to form a coalition and end the prospect of a split vote returning the DPP to power. The candidates – two former mayors and a tech tycoon – are united in wanting to see the DPP ousted, but it’s there the shared vision ends. Previous attempts to agree on who might acquiesce to the second spot had already collapsed. But the circus wasn’t over.

Instead of engaging in negotiations, the event descended into squabbles; spokespeople arguing with each other in front of the gathered journalists while the candidates themselves lobbed accusations at each other, reading aloud private text messages, and hogging the microphone. In the background a large clock brought in as a prop counted down the hours left before registration closed. Ninety minutes later the farce – which had been livestreamed in entirety – ended when half the group walked out. The colourful tech tycoon, Terry Guo, later dropped out of the race, leaving the Kuomintang’s (KMT) Hou You-yi and Ko Wen-je of the self-founded Taiwan’ People’s party (TPP) to fight over non-DPP votes.

Taiwan Vice President William Lai, third fom left, the candidate for presidential election of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), poses with his vice president candidate Hsiao Bi-kim, third from right

Taiwan Vice President William Lai, third fom left, the candidate for presidential election of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), poses with his vice president candidate Hsiao Bi-kim, third from right Photograph: ChiangYing-ying/AP

Taiwanese elections have always been colourful, and often messy. But this year adds another layer with a three-way race, says Australian National University political scientist Wen-ti Sung. Recent polls show the DPP is ahead, but only with around 35% of the vote. The choice for voters boils down to “continuity vs change” across domestic and foreign policy issues, he says, but with two similar “change” candidates.

“Splitting the votes isn’t necessary a problem, it’s about how it’s split,” Sung says. “Both Hou and Ko will try to marginalise the other so as to monopolise most of the ‘change’ votes for themselves, and turn this back into a de facto two-way race.”

The sovereignty question

Taiwan’s presidential election, scheduled for 13 January, may be about determining the governance of 24 million people, but it’s also of crucial importance to the world. Across the Taiwan Strait, the Chinese Communist party claims Taiwan as a province of China, and is preparing to “reunify” it. Beijing has not renounced using force to do so, but prefers a peaceful transition, ideally with the help of a Taiwan government more amenable than the ruling DPP, which it considers to be a party of separatists.

China has sanctioned Hsiao twice, and called the DPP’s ticket “independence on top of independence”. Outgoing president Tsai Ing-wen is considered a cautious and moderate figure on the pro Taiwan-sovereignty side of politics, but still her leadership has enraged Beijing. The CCP cut communications with her government when she was elected, launched live-fire military drills when she met US speaker Nancy Pelosi in Taipei and successor Kevin McCarthy in the US, and ratcheted up economic coercion, diplomatic isolation, and cognitive warfare.

The opposition parties (like the vast majority of Taiwan’s population) are not in favour of unification with China, but the KMT in particular says peace is more likely to be maintained by having closer ties and dialogue. The KMT’s Hou says a vote for him is a vote for peace over war. The DPP candidate, Lai, who has pledged to continue what Tsai started, has framed the election as a choice between “dictatorship and democracy”. Ko claims to offer a largely undefined “middle ground” between the “overly alert” DPP and the “overly relaxed” KMT.

Ko is the disruptor candidate who rode in on his popularity as mayor of the capital, Taipei, appearing to garner support from a youth demographic weary with the only leaders they really knew in the DPP, but who weren’t keen on the KMT. But observers say his political inconsistency and a series of scandals involving less than progressive views has hurt his standing.

Brian Hioe, a Taiwanese political commentator, notes that Ko is now proposing Taiwan revisit a controversial trade pact with China which sparked mass protests in 2014. It marks a stunning backflip. Ko was among those rallying at the protests that spawned the Sunflower Movement and a new generation of politics.

“Ko’s embrace of pro-sovereignty politics occurred at a moment when it was politically expedient to do so,” Hioe tells the Guardian. “Nine years later, Ko may be acting on what he perceives as a shift in Taiwanese politics, in that the weakness of the KMT has created a space for a more moderate, youth-oriented … party.”

Fang-yu Chen, Assistant Professor from the department of political science at Soochow University, says the major parties will soon return to focus on their core issues: the China threat and foreign policy for the DPP, and domestic concerns for the KMT.

“Ko has always been more uncontrollable and unpredictable, so I don’t know what he will do. What’s certain now is that TPP has to make sure that it’s in second place, and the attacks between KMT and TPP will increase.”