
The Economist-Understanding China military and political challenges Films

December 2, 2023   1 min   114 words

这篇报道深刻剖析中国军事挑战及政治难题,揭示了中国军力的强大和脆弱并存。虽然中国拥有全球最大的军队,但其未经近期战争考验,内部仍面临腐败、指挥结构复杂以及美国技术限制的困扰。报道由国际中国记者Rosie Blau、亚洲外交编辑Jeremy Page和中国编辑Roger McShane共同探讨了中国军事力量的复杂性,对这个军事强国的内外因素进行了深刻剖析,对世界产生了深远影响。这份详实的分析呼应了我们对于理解当今国际格局的迫切需求,对于全球和平与稳定都有着重要的启示。

China boasts the world’s largest armed forces, with 2m personnel. But despite its strength, it is also vulnerable. The People’s Liberation Army is a force untested in recent conflict, and internally it is dealing with corruption, complex command structures and the effects of America’s technology restrictions.

Rosie Blau, International China correspondent, Jeremy Page, Asia diplomatic editor, and Roger McShane, China editor, explore the intricacies of China’s armed forces, offering insights into the complexities that shape this military powerhouse—and what they mean for the rest of the world.

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