The Guardian - China-Childrens hospital overrun as respiratory sickness takes hold in China video
November 29, 2023 1 min 84 words
中国儿童医院因呼吸道疾病患者激增而不堪重负,局面堪比泛滥的潮水。报道指出,特别是儿童在中国的呼吸系统疾病明显上升,导致城市医院的儿科病房不堪重负,许多病房一度爆满。官方呼吁保持冷静,将此归因于解封后的疾病波动。据《环球时报》周二报道,北京儿童医院每天接待约9,378名患者,过去两个月一直处于满负荷状态。 这一情况引起了人们的关注和担忧,也引发了对疫情后遗症的深思。这或许是解封后社会活动增加、空气质量下降导致呼吸道疾病蔓延的结果。在这个时刻,我们需要深入了解疫情后的健康挑战,以更有效地预防和治疗此类疾病。这也提醒我们,除了关注病毒本身,也要关注其可能带来的其他健康问题。
A rise in respiratory illnesses in China, particularly among children, has reportedly swamped paediatric units in city hospitals, while authorities have urged calm, attributing it to a post-lockdown wave of illness. Many hospital wards are full, according to state and other media reports in China. The Global Times reported on Tuesday that the Beijing children’s hospital was receiving up to 9,378 patients a day and had been at full capacity during the past two months