Reuters-US Navy excited by prospect of better communication with China but says more work needed
November 24, 2023 2 min 237 words
这则报道展示了中美两国军方对改善沟通的期待,但同时也强调了仍需付出更多努力的现实。美国海军作战部长Lisa Franchetti表示,保持两军间开放沟通渠道至关重要,以避免可能导致冲突的“误解和错误估计”。她对中国同意恢复战区指挥通话表示“非常兴奋”,但强调这些协议是最近才达成的,仍需与中国军方合作来巩固进一步的步骤。报道指出,这一进展是在美国总统拜登和中国国家主席习近平本月同意恢复军事联系后发生的。这表明中美关系的复杂性,一方面展现了合作的可能性,另一方面却揭示了需要解决的分歧。在当前紧张的地缘政治环境下,双方能够展示出改善关系的积极意愿,但还需要更多实质性的工作来确保这一努力能够落地。
The U.S. Navy was "excited" by the prospect of improved operational communications with the Chinese military amid regional tensions, but work was still needed to solidify the next steps, a senior U.S. naval officer said on Friday.
Admiral Lisa Franchetti, U.S. Navy Chief of Operations, told a media briefing during a visit to Seoul that it was vital to maintain open lines of communications between the two militaries to avoid "misunderstandings and miscalculations" that could lead to conflict.
"I'm very excited and I welcome that announcement," she said of China's agreement to resume telephone communications between theatre commands, something U.S. officials have been eager to develop.
"These agreements were reached just recently, and we know that we have work with the PRC mil to do to solidify the next steps," Franchetti said.
Her remarks come after agreements this month by U.S. President Joe Biden and China's Xi Jinping to resume military contacts that Beijing froze after then-House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan in August 2022.
The need for improved military communications was part of four hours of discussions when the two leaders meet in San Francisco last week, talks that covered tensions over Taiwan, Iran and co-operation over reducing the flow to the opioid fentanyl to the United States.