The Guardian-UK white paper raises concerns over Chinas growing foreign aid role
November 20, 2023 3 min 529 words
这篇报道揭示了英国政府对中国在国际发展中崛起的担忧。白皮书直言不讳地指出中国发展模式存在的问题,包括低社会和环境标准、缺乏透明度、腐败指控以及对当地精英的影响。文章警告称,中国在国际发展中的崛起标志着全球发展格局的系统性转变,对英国的利益构成威胁,需要坚定挑战。 白皮书强调中国在2008年至2021年期间承诺的4980亿美元贷款,相当于同期世界银行对主权贷款的83%。文章承认中国在推动国际秩序方面的自信,强调英国将在必要时果断行动,抵御中国对开放社会和良好治理构成的风险。文章呼吁中国在推动联合国可持续发展目标时与多边努力协调,而非破坏它们。 这一报道显露了中国发展模式与英国在白皮书中承诺建立伙伴关系和瞄准低收入群体之间的长期紧张关系。尽管白皮书充满雄心勃勃的计划,但在英国削减援助预算以及将援助预算的一部分用于国内用途的问题上,援助组织普遍提出批评。这表明国内政策和国际发展愿景之间存在挑战,需要细致平衡。
China’s growing role in international development marks a systemic global shift that will require robust challenge by Britain if its interests are threatened, a UK government white paper on aid has warned.
With David Cameron starting as foreign secretary and under scrutiny for his previous business links with China, the document does not hold back in challenging the Chinese development model or its growing influence.
The drawbacks listed include “operating with lower social and environmental standards, limited transparency, allegations of corruption and capture of local elites, and limited coordination through the multilateral system, especially of bilateral instruments like the belt and road initiative”.
The white paper warns “China’s growing role as an actor in international development marks a systemic shift in the global development landscape” and has wide implications for Britain’s own development policies. It says that “between 2008 and 2021, China made $498bn in loan commitments, equivalent to 83% of World Bank sovereign lending during the same period”, adding: “Its increased assertiveness in seeking to shape the international order makes it essential for us to navigate the challenges that come with its evolving development role.”
The white paper promises the UK will resist the risks China “poses to open societies and good governance”, saying it will seek to influence Chinese thinking and act robustly where necessary.
“Given China’s critical role in raising global development standards and achieving the UN’s sustainable development goals (SDGs) by 2030, it is important that China’s domestic initiatives complement multilateral efforts rather than undermine them,” the white paper said.
The commentary brings into the open longstanding tensions between the Chinese model of development and Britain’s commitment in the white paper to forming partnerships and targeting low-income groups.
The white paper, the brainchild of the development minister. Andrew Mitchell, contains a plethora of ambitious plans to stretch the balance sheets of multilateral banks and mobilise pension funds to direct finance to meet the currently badly offtrack SDGs.
Through the greater use of guarantees it is estimated multilateral development banks could yield about $300m (£240m) to $400m of additional finance over the next decade, the white paper suggested.
The World Bank estimates there is an existing total pipeline of $1.2tn for sustainable infrastructure projects in low- and middle-income countries – far short of the additional $3.9tn needed annually through to 2030 to meet the SDGs.
At a global food summit in London marking the launch of the white paper, Britain’s biggest philanthropist, Sir Chris Hohn, the managing partner of the Children’s Investment Fund, announced he was giving another $50m personally to prevent and treat child wasting and believes his contribution can leverage another $500m in grants.
It is estimated the hedge fund manager has given £4bn to various philanthropic schemes mainly concerned with child poverty or the climate crisis.
Aid groups welcomed the plans and scale of ambition in the white paper, but almost universally criticised the government’s cuts in its own aid budget, as well as the proportion of the aid budget now diverted to domestic use.