纽约时报中文网 - 英文原版-英For Chinas Jobless Young People Hostels Are the Place to Be
November 1, 2023 2 min 342 words
这篇报道探讨了中国年轻人失业问题与背后的社会趋势,强调了年轻人为了应对就业挑战,纷纷选择在廉价的青年旅馆寻找住宿。这一现象反映了中国社会的变革和年轻人面临的挑战。报道提到,这些青年旅馆为年轻人提供了经济实惠的住宿选择,但也引发了一系列问题,如低工资、稳定工作缺乏,以及社会压力。年轻人的选择既是一种无奈,也是一种积极应对挑战的表现。 这一现象突显了中国社会在经济发展和社会转型中所面临的问题。政府和企业需要更多地关注年轻人的就业和生活质量,提供更多机会和支持,以确保他们能够获得稳定的工作和住房。这篇报道引发了对中国社会问题的深刻思考,也提醒我们,年轻一代的未来对整个国家和社会的稳定和繁荣都至关重要。
In a youth hostel in downtown Shanghai, amid the dull roar of a hair dryer, the shriek of a blender and the lingering aroma of spicy instant noodles, Ethan Yi, 23, was pondering the state of the world.
“Why can’t I, a college graduate, find a job?” Mr. Yi lamented as he sat in the hostel’s common room after a day of unsuccessful interviews. “Why is it only jobs that pay just $400 or $500 a month that want me? Sometimes I wonder, how can it be this hard?”
That is the question being asked in hostels across China. As joblessness among young Chinese has reached record highs, hostels have become refuges for young people trying their fortunes in major cities, who need a place to crash between back-to-back interviews, to strategize on their next networking meeting or to fire off yet another résumé. They have become concentrated hubs for people’s anxiety, hopes, despair and ambitions, all packed into bunk beds that go for a few dollars a night.
At the Together Hostel, where Mr. Yi was staying, new arrivals scrolled through online job listings surrounded by wall maps highlighting the best spots for Shanghai soup dumplings. Posters advertising local comedy shows went largely ignored by fresh graduates calling their parents for advice or comfort.
Asked what he had been doing at the hostel, Mr. Yi, who was sitting idly by the smoothie bar, responded: “Thinking about life.”
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