Reuters-Chinas ex-premier Li Keqiang sidelined by Xi Jinping dies at 68
October 27, 2023 6 min 1129 words
中国前总理李克强的去世标志着中国政治的一次深刻变革。他曾是自由市场和经济改革的倡导者,被寄予厚望,但在习近平上台后,他的影响力逐渐减弱,最终被边缘化。李克强在官方媒体上被称为"杰出领袖",但实际上他在改革问题上的发言和行动受到了限制。 李克强的去世被一些自由派知识分子视为自由经济改革时代的终结。他的逝世引发了社交媒体上的悲痛和震惊,一些人甚至称之为一个时代的结束。这反映出中国政治格局的深刻变革,自由市场派的声音逐渐被限制,中国政策朝更加国家主义的方向发展。 李克强的去世也将引发关于中国未来走向的猜测。在习近平领导下,中国已经采取了更加集中的国家控制政策,这对国内外企业和投资者都产生了深远影响。随着李克强的去世,中国政治中的自由派声音可能会更加稀缺,这对中国的改革进程和国际关系可能会产生重大影响。 李克强的去世是中国政治格局演变的一个重要标志,也引发了对中国未来的关切。这个时刻将引发更多关于中国政治和经济发展的讨论,以及习近平领导下的中国将走向何方的问题。
Chinese former Premier Li Keqiang died of a heart attack on Friday, barely seven months after retiring from a decade in office during which his reformist star had dimmed. He was 68.
Once viewed as a top Communist Party leadership contender, Li was sidelined in recent years by President Xi Jinping, who tightened his grip on power and steered the world's second-largest economy in a more statist direction.
The elite economist Li had supported a more open market economy, advocating supply-side reforms in an approach dubbed "Likonomics" that was never fully implemented.
Ultimately, he had to bend to Xi's preference for more state control, and his former power base waned in influence as Xi installed his own acolytes to powerful positions.
"Comrade Li Keqiang, while resting in Shanghai in recent days, experienced a sudden heart attack on Oct. 26 and after all-out efforts to revive him failed, died in Shanghai at ten minutes past midnight on Oct. 27," state broadcaster CCTV reported.
An official obituary published by state media Xinhua on Friday called his death a "huge loss to the party and nation", describing him as an "outstanding leader".
"We must turn our grief into strength, learn from his revolutionary spirit, noble character and fine style," Xinhua said.
The obituary listed his policy achievements and said four times that Li carried out his work under the "strong leadership" of Xi.
There was an outpouring of grief and shock on Chinese social media, with some government websites going black-and-white in an official sign of mourning. The Weibo microblogging platform turned its "like" button into a "mourn" icon in the shape of a chrysanthemum on its mobile app.
"He's only 68. He probably hasn't enjoyed his life yet, right? He's been busy all the time taking care of the country’s important responsibilities," said a 74-year-old Shanghai retiree surnamed Xu. "We're all very sad."
Li was premier and head of China's cabinet under Xi for a decade until stepping down from all political positions in March.
Laying a wreath in August 2022 at a statue of Deng Xiaoping - the leader who brought transformational reform to China's economy - Li vowed: "Reform and opening up will not stop. The Yangtze and Yellow River will not reverse course."
Video clips of the speech, which went viral but were later censored from Chinese social media, were widely viewed as a coded criticism of Xi's policies.
Li also sparked debate on poverty and income inequality in 2020 when he said that 600 million people in the increasingly rich nation earned less than $140 per month.
Some Chinese intellectuals and members of the liberal elite expressed shock and dismay on a semi-private WeChat channel at the passing of a beacon of liberal economic reform, with some saying it signalled the end of an era.
"Li will probably be remembered as an advocate for the freer market and for the have-nots," said Wen-Ti Sung, a political scientist at Australian National University. "But most of all, he will be remembered for what could have been."
Alfred Wu, associate professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy in Singapore, said: "All these types of people no longer exist anymore in Chinese politics."
Li was less influential than his immediate predecessors as premier, Zhu Rongji and Wen Jiabao, Wu said. "He was sidelined, but what more could he have done? It was very hard for him, with the constraints he faced under Xi."
Adam Ni, an independent China political analyst, described Li as "a premier who stood powerless as China took a sharp turn away from reform and opening".
A glowing 2014 state media profile of Li, praising him as "a calm and tough wall-breaker", went viral shortly after his death was announced. It emphasised his hard work and tenacity in pushing for economic reforms.
Li's frequent visits to disaster sites and his easy camaraderie when speaking to ordinary people were also highlighted on Chinese state media.
Some social media users mentioned a song called "Sorry it wasn't you", in another veiled reference to Xi. The song went viral around the death of former President Jiang Zemin in November last year before being censored.
Retired Chinese leaders typically keep a low profile. Li was last seen in public during an August private tour of the Mogao Grottoes, a tourist attraction in northwest China. Social media videos showed him in good spirits, walking up stairs unaided and waving to excited crowds. Reuters could not independently verify the footage.
Li was born in Anhui province in eastern China, a poor farming area where his father was an official and where he was sent to work in the fields during the Cultural Revolution.
While studying law at the prestigious Peking University, Li befriended ardent pro-democracy advocates, some of whom would become outright challengers to party control.
The confident English speaker was immersed in the intellectual and political ferment of the decade of reform under Deng. That period ended in the 1989 pro-democracy Tiananmen Square protests that the military crushed.
After graduation, Li joined the Communist Party's Youth League, then a reformist-tinged ladder to higher office.
He rose in the Youth League while completing a master’s degree in law and then an economics doctorate under Professor Li Yining, a well-known advocate of market reforms.
Before entering elite politics in Beijing he served as the provincial party chief in Henan, a poor region in central China, and the rustbelt province of Liaoning bordering North Korea.
His patron was Hu Jintao, a former president from a political faction loosely based around the Youth League. After Xi took over as party chief in 2012, he took steps to break up the faction.
Li is survived by his wife Cheng Hong, a professor of English, and their daughter.