Reuters-China says it uncovered another spying case in US
October 22, 2023 2 min 419 words
这则报道揭示了中国政府对国家安全问题的高度警惕和加强反间谍立法的决心。中国的国家安全部门声称他们揭露了一起中国国民被指控为美国间谍的案件,这反映了中国对国家安全问题的关切,以及在打击国内腐败和间谍活动方面的强硬态度。报道中提到,被指控的中国国民依靠一名美国情报官员的欺骗和勾结,泄露了中国国家机密。这一事件凸显了间谍活动通常伴随着欺骗、诱惑和阴谋,突显了情报活动的复杂性。 这也表明中国政府对打击间谍活动的决心,无论是国内还是国外。在近年来,中国政府已经逮捕和拘留了数十名中国和外国国民,因涉嫌从事间谍活动,引发了美国方面的担忧。这一报道反映了全球情报竞争的现实,以及各国政府在保卫国家安全方面的不懈努力。
China's top spy agency said on Sunday a Chinese citizen who worked for a defense institute had been accused of spying for the United States and his case had been transferred to a court in the southwestern city of Chengdu for trial.
The case is the latest to underscore Beijing's heightened commitment to national security, its expanded anti-spying laws and crackdown on domestic corruption.
Chinese state broadcaster CCTV said in a television report that a man surnamed Hou who worked at an undisclosed defense institute was sent in 2013 as a visiting scholar to a U.S. university, where he was coerced into revealing Chinese state secrets.
China's Ministry of State Security released a statement with the report on its WeChat social media account on Sunday, saying "espionage activities go hand in hand with deception, temptation, and conspiracy."
The university was not named in the statement or media report.
CCTV said a U.S. professor close to Hou introduced him to someone who claimed to be an employee of a consulting company, but was actually an American "intelligence officer" using the company as his cover, CCTV said.
In the ensuing months as they became more friendly, the intelligence officer approached Hou to become a consulting expert at "his company", promising him a payment of $600-$700 each time for the quality of his service.
A few months later, while Hou's wife and son were visiting the U.S., the American revealed his true intentions and proposed a change in the way they cooperated. Hou, fearing for his wife's and son's safety, agreed to the terms, according to CCTV.
Under the arrangement, over many meetings, Hou would be asked to disclose highly classified secrets in hour-long sessions and would get $1,000 as compensation, the report said.
The cooperation continued after Hou returned to China in 2014. He would meet with U.S. intelligence while attending international conferences, CCTV said. He also provided intelligence information in the field of national defense and the military industry on his own initiative, the report said.
After investigations by the Chinese government, Hou was detained in July 2021 and charged on suspicion of espionage.
In recent years, China has arrested and detained dozens of Chinese and foreign nationals on suspicion of espionage, raising the concerns of the U.S. over its counter-espionage push.
Recently, China's spy agency published new details about a U.S. citizen jailed for life for espionage earlier this year.