Reuters-What is most significant in the Pentagons China military report
October 21, 2023 2 min 312 words
这份彭博社关于中国军事的年度报告强调了一些过去一年中国国家安全领域最重要的发展。其中最显著的亮点之一是中国核武库的增长,2023年可能达到1,000颗核弹头。这表明中国在核军备领域的扩张,可能引发国际担忧。 此外,报告还提到中国在导弹领域的进展,特别是新建的三个导弹发射井,这意味着中国正在增加其洲际弹道导弹(ICBM)的数量。这一发展可能会改变地缘政治格局,因为中国有可能威胁到美国本土。 报告还指出,中国在全球范围内扩大其军事存在,尽管规模远远不及美国的军事基地网络。中国正在考虑在一些国家建立军事后勤设施,这也引发了国际关切。 最后,报告提到中国已经拥有世界上最大的海军,并且正在不断扩张。这将对地区稳定产生深远影响,尤其是在亚太地区。 这份报告凸显了中国在国际军事领域的崛起,以及与之相关的地缘政治挑战。国际社会需要密切关注这些发展,以确保地区和全球的和平与稳定。
The Pentagon this week released its annual report on China's military, which touches on wide-ranging issues related to some of the most important developments in China's national security over the past year. Here are some key highlights:
China has more than 500 operational nuclear warheads in its arsenal and will probably have over 1,000 warheads by 2030, the report said.
In a previous report, the Pentagon estimated that Beijing had more than 400 operational nuclear warheads in 2021.
The report said China probably completed the construction of its three new silo fields in 2022, which has at least 300 new intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) silos.
The report said China may be exploring developing conventionally armed intercontinental-range missile systems, which, if developed, could allow Beijing to threaten the United States.
China has been expanding its global military footprint, though it is still much smaller than the United States' network of bases.
The report says China has also probably considered having military logistics facilities in countries like Burma, Thailand, Indonesia, United Arab Emirates, Kenya, Nigeria, Namibia, Mozambique, Bangladesh, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Tajikistan.
China already has the world's largest navy-- and it is growing further the report said.
China's navy had more than 370 ships and submarines, up from the 340 ships they had in last year's report.
The expectation, the report added, is for the number to increase to 395 ships by 2025 and 435 ships by 2030.
While the report said China has generally ignored or denied the United States' efforts to have military-to-military talks, it described an occasion when Beijing required U.S. assistance.
In April 2023, the Chinese military requested U.S. assistance in evacuating Chinese diplomats from Khartoum, Sudan.
The U.S. military, the report said, provided evacuation routes.