
The Guardian-Canada accuses China fighter jets of reckless interception of military plane

October 16, 2023   2 min   257 words

这则报道表明了中加之间的紧张关系和中国军机在国际水域上进行的危险挑衅行为。加拿大国防部长指责中国战机对加拿大军机进行了“危险和鲁莽”的拦截,这种行为令人担忧。这次事件发生在中国沿海的国际水域,而中国军机竟然距离加拿大侦察机只有五米,这无疑将加拿大机组置于严重风险之中。这种不专业和危险的行为不应被容忍,而加拿大已表示将以适当方式向中国政府提出抗议。 这并不是中国与其他国家发生类似冲突的首次事件,此前已有报告指出中国军机曾对加拿大和美国军机进行危险的接近。这种趋势引发了国际社会的担忧,特别是在南中国海等地区,中国军机的挑衅行为日益增加。加拿大的指控加剧了国际关系紧张局势,需要中国政府妥善应对,以避免升级冲突。这一事件强调了国际社会对于军事冲突的警惕,以及各国之间建立有效沟通和协商机制的紧迫性。

A Chinese fighter jet

Canada’s defence minister has accused China fighter jets of carrying out a “dangerous and reckless” interception of a Canadian military plane over international waters.

Bill Blair spoke after Canada’s Global News said a Chinese jet had come within five meters (16ft) of a Canadian surveillance plane taking part in a UN operation to enforce sanctions against North Korea.

The incident took place in international waters off the coast of China, said Global, which had a crew on the plane. Blair said that while the Chinese air force regularly interacted with planes on UN missions, the incident on Monday had put the Canadian aircraft at significant risk.

“I am very concerned about the unprofessional way in which this was done,” Blair said.

“It was quite frankly dangerous and reckless. And those types of behaviors are not ever acceptable and we will express that to the People’s Republic of China in the most appropriate way,” he continued, but did not give details.

The Chinese embassy in Ottawa did not respond to a request for comment on the Global News report.

In June 2022, Canada’s military accused Chinese warplanes of harassing its patrol aircraft as they monitored North Korea sanction evasions, sometimes forcing Canadian planes to divert from their flight paths.

In May, the Pentagon said a Chinese fighter jet carried out an “unnecessarily aggressive” maneuver near a US military plane over the South China Sea in international airspace. The encounter followed what Washington calls a recent trend of increasingly dangerous behavior by Chinese military aircraft.