
Reuters-Philippines denounces China for dangerous and offensive actions in South China Sea

October 16, 2023   2 min   231 words

这篇报道揭示了中国在南中国海的危险和冒犯行为,引发了菲律宾的强烈抗议。事情发生在菲律宾军舰执行补给任务时,一艘中国海军舰艇试图阻拦并紧随其后。这种挑衅行为不仅有可能引发碰撞,还直接威胁到双方海上人员的生命安全。菲律宾国防部呼吁中国立即停止这种危险行为,这表明了紧张的地区局势和南中国海争端的严重性。 这个事件是中国尝试监视和阻止菲律宾执行南海专属经济区内补给任务的最新尝试,进一步印证了中国对南海主权的野心。这个地区每年有超过3万亿美元的贸易流量,因此这一冲突不仅涉及领土主权,还牵涉到全球贸易和地缘政治的关键问题。 中国驻马尼拉大使馆尚未对此作出回应,这也凸显了中国在处理南海争端方面的不透明性。总的来说,这篇报道突显了南中国海地区局势的紧张性和中国的挑衅行为,需要国际社会密切关注和寻求解决方案,以确保和平与稳定。

A Chinese navy ship is seen sailing in the South China Sea, October 4, 2023. REUTERS/Adrian Portugal/File Photo

The Philippine military has called out China to stop "unsafe actions" in the South China Sea, after a Chinese navy ship shadowed and attempted to cut off a Philippine navy vessel conducting a resupply mission late last week.

A Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) vessel came as close as 350 yards as it tried to cross in front of the Philippine ship near Thitu island, Manila's biggest and most strategically important outpost in the South China Sea, according to armed forces chief Romeo Brawner.

"These dangerous and offensive manoeuvres by China's PLAN not only risk collision but also directly endanger the lives of maritime personnel from both sides," Brawner said in a statement on Sunday.

The Chinese embassy in Manila did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Monday.

It was the latest in a series of attempts by China to monitor and block Philippine resupply missions to personnel in Manila-occupied features in the Philippines' exclusive economic zone in the South China Sea.

China's claims sovereignty to almost the entire South China Sea, through which more than $3 trillion of trade passes each year.

Ties between Manila and Beijing have soured since Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos pursued closer ties with Washington, including increasing U.S. access to more Philippine military bases.