Reuters-US must be ready for simultaneous wars with China Russia report says
October 12, 2023 2 min 406 words
这则报道强调了一个深刻而严峻的警告,美国应该为与中国和俄罗斯同时爆发的可能战争做好准备。这是一个引人担忧的观点,也凸显了全球地缘政治关系的紧张局势。面对这一问题,我们需要深思熟虑。 首先,这个报告提出了一个不容忽视的问题,即美国必须采取行动来增强其军事实力,加强盟友关系,以及更新核武器现代化计划。这反映出当前全球政治格局中的不确定性和风险。 然而,这个建议也引发了一些关键问题。其中一个问题是庞大的国防支出,这需要庞大的财政支持,而是否会得到国会的支持尚不确定。这可能引发国内争议,特别是在军事支出和社会需求之间的平衡上。 另一个问题是与拜登总统关于美国核武库足够强大以威慑俄罗斯和中国的立场相对立。这引发了一个关于国家的核政策和威慑战略的重要辩论。 最终,这份报告强调了我们生活在不确定的时代,必须认真对待全球安全挑战。然而,决策者必须谨慎权衡国防支出与其他国内需求之间的关系,确保国家的长期繁荣和安全。
The United States must prepare for possible simultaneous wars with Russia and China by expanding its conventional forces, strengthening alliances and enhancing its nuclear weapons modernization program, a congressionally appointed bipartisan panel said on Thursday.
The report from the Strategic Posture Commission comes amid tensions with China over Taiwan and other issues and worsening frictions with Russia over its invasion of Ukraine.
A senior official involved in the report declined to say if the panel's intelligence briefings showed any Chinese and Russian nuclear weapons cooperation.
"We worry ... there may be ultimate coordination between them in some way, which gets us to this two-war construct," the official said on condition of anonymity.
The findings would upend current U.S. national security strategy calling for winning one conflict while deterring another and require huge defense spending increases with uncertain congressional support.
"We do recognize budget realities, but we also believe the nation must make these investments," the Democratic chair, Madelyn Creedon, a former deputy head of the agency that oversees U.S. nuclear weapons, and the vice chair, Jon Kyl, a retired Republican senator, said in the report's preface.
The report contrasts with U.S. President Joe Biden's position that the current U.S. nuclear arsenal is sufficient to deter the combined forces of Russia and China.
"The United States and its allies must be ready to deter and defeat both adversaries simultaneously," the Strategic Posture Commission said. "The U.S.-led international order and the values it upholds are at risk from the Chinese and Russian authoritarian regimes."
Congress established the panel of six Democrats and six Republicans in 2022 to assess threats to the United States and recommend changes in U.S. conventional and nuclear forces.
The Chinese and Russian threats will become acute in the 2027-2035 timeframe so "decisions need to be made now in order for the nation to be prepared," said the 145-page report.
The report said the 30-year U.S. nuclear arms modernization program, which began in 2010 and was estimated in 2017 to cost $400 billion by 2046, must be fully funded to upgrade all warheads, delivery systems and infrastructure.
It should also extend the operational lives of ballistic missile submarines and deploy more tactical nuclear weapons in Asia and Europe.