
纽约时报中文网 - 中英对照版-中英被中国关押三年后前CGTN主持人成蕾返回澳大利亚

October 12, 2023   3 min   593 words

这则报道涉及成蕾被中国关押三年后返回澳大利亚的消息。成蕾是前CGTN主持人,曾在北京因涉嫌泄露国家机密而被拘留,最终判刑两年零11个月。她的回归标志着中澳关系缓和的迹象,尤其是在中国外交部早前鲜少披露有关此案的信息。这种保密引发了外界对中国是否越来越多地采用“人质外交”的担忧。 此外,成蕾的案件也提醒我们,还有其他外国人,如澳大利亚作家杨恒均,仍然在中国监狱中。这些案件都与中澳关系紧张时期的事件有关。 尽管成蕾已经回国,但仍然值得关注中国关押外国人的做法。这是一次重要的外交事件,也反映了国际社会对中国在人权和法治领域的关切。希望未来能看到中澳关系继续缓和,促进更多的合作和理解。

周三,成蕾与澳大利亚外长黄英贤和驻华大使傅关汉(Graham Fletcher)在墨尔本。
周三,成蕾与澳大利亚外长黄英贤和驻华大使傅关汉(Graham Fletcher)在墨尔本。 Sarah Hodges/Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, via Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Cheng Lei, an Australian journalist who was held in Beijing for more than three years, has returned to Australia, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said on Wednesday.


Mr. Albanese said Ms. Cheng had been reunited with her two young children in Melbourne.


“Her return brings an end to a very difficult few years for Cheng and her family,” Mr. Albanese said at a news conference on Wednesday.


Ms. Cheng, who worked for China’s global television network, was detained in Beijing in August 2020 and formally arrested later on suspicion of sharing national secrets. A familiar face as a business news host for China Global Television News, Ms. Cheng, 48, had long presented herself as a bridge between China and Australia, according to friends.


On Wednesday, China’s foreign ministry said Ms. Cheng had been sentenced to two years and 11 months in prison. “After serving her sentence, Cheng Lei was deported by the Beijing State Security Bureau in accordance with the law,” said Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for China’s foreign ministry. Until now China had said little about the case.


The secrecy around the investigation prompted speculation that Ms. Cheng was targeted because relations between China and Australia had reached a low point. Her release this week is a sign of less animosity between the two countries.


“Gradually, the freeze has been thawing, and I think the resolution of this case is a big part of that,” said Richard McGregor, a senior fellow at the Lowy Institute in Sydney.

“双边关系正在逐渐解冻,我认为此案的解决是其中的重要一部分,”悉尼洛伊研究所的高级研究员马利德(Richard McGregor)表示。

Ms. Cheng’s arrest came amid several high-profile detentions of foreigners in China, prompting questions about whether the Chinese government was increasingly using “hostage diplomacy.”


Two months before Ms. Cheng was detained, the Chinese authorities indicted two Canadians who had been held since 2018 — the former diplomat Michael Kovrig and a businessman, Michael Spavor — on espionage charges that appeared to be tied to the arrest of a Chinese technology executive in Canada on a U.S. warrant. The two men were released in 2021when Canada and the United States allowed the executive, Meng Wanzhou of Huawei Technologies, to return to China.

在成蕾被拘留的前两个月,中国当局以间谍罪起诉了自2018年以来被当局关押的两名加拿大人:前外交官康明凯(Michael Kovrig)和商人迈克尔·斯帕弗。相关指控似乎与依据美国逮捕令在加拿大被捕的一名中国科技高管有关。二人于2021年获释,而美加两国也允许华为高管孟晚舟返华。

After years of downward spiral, ties between China and Australia have improved significantly since early last year, when Mr. Albanese and his Labor Party won an election. Mr. Albanese has since tried to improve the relationship and is expected to meet with China’s top leader, Xi Jinping, later this year for the second time since he became prime minister.


“China is willing to work with Australia to promote the continuous improvement and development of bilateral relations,” said Mr. Wang, the foreign ministry spokesman.


Another Australian, the writer Yang Hengjun, is still in jail in China. He was arrested in 2019 and stood trial in May 2021, but a verdict in his case has been repeatedly delayed.


“Both Ms. Cheng and Mr. Yang were detained when relations were in a free fall,” said Mr. McGregor.


Earlier this year from her prison cell, Ms. Cheng dictated a letter to an Australian consular official describing the difficult conditions she was experiencing.


“In my cell, the sunlight shines through the window, but I can stand in it for only 10 hours a year,” Ms. Cheng said in the letter. She also said that she missed Australia, where she grew up, and its people.


“Most of all,” she said, “I miss my children.”
