纽约时报中文网 - 中英对照版-中英中国驻旧金山领事馆遭汽车冲撞嫌疑人被击毙
October 11, 2023 3 min 545 words
这起事件在旧金山的中国领事馆引发了一场危机,暴力事件让人深感震惊。这种行为是不可接受的,无论发生在何地。对于目前的国际背景来说,这一事件更加引人关注。正值即将举办的亚太经济合作组织峰会前夕,中国领导人习近平与拜登总统的会面备受期待。此事件对两国关系和国际舞台上的地缘政治紧张局势带来了额外的不确定性。中国方面对这一事件做出强烈谴责,强调维护领事馆的安全。 此外,社交媒体上的广泛关注也表明了中国社会对这一事件的关切和愤怒。事件的调查仍在继续,我们需要等待更多细节的披露。无论如何,这一事件提醒我们,国际社会需要继续努力促进和平共处,以确保避免类似事件再次发生。此外,这也凸显了新闻媒体在及时报道并深入分析国际事件中的重要作用,以帮助公众更好地理解和应对类似挑战。
The police fatally shot a driver who crashed into the visa office at the Chinese consulate in San Francisco on Monday afternoon, the San Francisco Police Department said.
Officers responded to the crash near Geary Boulevard and Laguna Street around 3 p.m., where they “found that the vehicle had come to rest in the lobby of the Chinese Consulate,” according to a statement from the San Francisco Police Department.
The shooting took place after the officers made contact with the suspect, the police said. Officers and paramedics who arrived at the scene rendered aid before transporting the suspect to a nearby hospital, where the person died, according to the police.
About 20 people were in the waiting area of the visa office when the car crashed into the building, said Sergii Molchanov, a graduate student at Stanford Medicine who was there to apply for a visa. He said the driver was a man who appeared to be in his 30s.
“This guy comes out of the car shouting and saying, ‘Where is the C.C.P.,’” said Mr. Molchanov, 32. He said the driver used an expletive before “C.C.P.,” which is a commonly used abbreviation for the Chinese Communist Party.
Mr. Molchanov said the driver tried to go back to his car, at which point security personnel restrained him and people started running out of the building.
“Why on earth would someone drive a car into the consulate? He seemed very angry,” Mr. Molchanov said.
Images circulating on social media showed part of the consulate building covered with a white tarp and cordoned off with yellow crime scene tape. Another video posted to social media appeared to show people running from the building, where the car, a blue Honda, remained.
The investigation into the episode is continuing, and the authorities have not released the name of the suspect. The Chinese Consulate General in San Francisco said in a statement that the driver had crashed into an area where consular documents are handled, “posing a serious threat to the life and safety of staff and people on site.”
“Our embassy severely condemns this violent attack and reserves the right to pursue responsibilities related to the incident,” the consulate said.
The episode occurred weeks before San Francisco is to host the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit, where diplomats are hoping that China’s top leader, Xi Jinping, will meet with President Biden. Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the majority leader, is in China this week leading a bipartisan congressional delegation that is meeting with top leaders.
Mr. Xi met with Mr. Schumer on Monday and said he hoped for a “peaceful coexistence” with the United States. The Biden administration has been trying in recent months to stabilize its relationship with Beijing amid rising geopolitical tensions over the status of Taiwan, which China considers a part of its territory, and trade between the two countries.
Chinese social media users responded to the news of the consulate incident with shock and anger. On Tuesday morning, it was the most popular topic on Weibo, China’s Twitter-like service. By midafternoon, discussions about it had garnered more than 300 million views.