
Reuters-Foreign nationals detained in China

October 11, 2023   2 min   413 words

这篇报道呈现了一系列外国公民在中国被扣留的案例,凸显了中国政府对外国国籍个体的拘押和审判。这些事件引发了国际社会的担忧,涉及各种指控,包括国家安全、间谍活动和毒品走私等。 首先,澳大利亚记者成蕾的释放是一个积极的消息,但她被扣押三年之久,引发了人权担忧。然而,其他案例也引起了关注,特别是澳大利亚作家杨恒均,被指控从事间谍活动,并面临未公开的国家安全指控,与澳中紧张关系有关。 日本一名高龄50多岁的员工因涉嫌间谍活动被拘押,对日本商界造成冲击,增加了日中关系的紧张。这还反映了中国政府对外国国民的严格控制。 加拿大公民罗伯特·谢伦伯格被判刑至死刑,而美国商人马克·斯威丹也被指控毒品相关罪行。这些案例引发国际社会对中国的法治问题和人权状况的质疑,特别是在处理外国公民案件时。 最后,凯·李的案例突出了涉及间谍指控的复杂性,他被判刑十年,但否认指控。这些案例表明了中国的司法体系对外国国民的审判存在不确定性,需要更多的透明度和公正。 总之,这些外国公民在中国被扣留的案例引发了国际社会的关切,对中国的司法体制和人权状况提出了严重质疑。这需要国际社会继续关注和努力推动更多的透明度和公正。

A surveillance camera is silhouetted behind a Chinese national flag in Beijing, China, November 3, 2022. REUTERS/Thomas Peter/File Photo

Australian journalist Cheng Lei returned home on Wednesday after being detained by Chinese authorities for more than three years on national security charges.

Here are some other high-profile cases of foreign nationals detained in China:

The Australian writer has been detained in China for more than three years, and in 2021 was tried in Beijing on undisclosed national security charges. His arrest coincided with worsening relations between Australia and China and a verdict in his case has been repeatedly delayed.

Yang, who was born in China but is an Australian citizen, has denied working as a spy for Australia or the United States.

Friends of the pro-democracy blogger say they fear for his deteriorating health in detention.

A Japanese employee of Astellas Pharma Inc, who has not been identified publicly, was detained in Beijing in March on suspicion of espionage, sending a chill through the Japanese business community in China.

The man in his 50s worked in China for more than 20 years and is an executive, according to Japanese media reports. Beijing was expected to decide soon on whether to formally arrest the businessman, Kyodo reported last month.

The Chinese foreign ministry, when asked last month if the Japanese employee had been arrested, said foreign nationals in China must abide by the country's laws or be prosecuted otherwise.

Japan's government has said it would continue to strongly demand his release.

A Canadian citizen arrested in China in 2014 for suspected drug smuggling and convicted in 2018. He was initially sentenced to 15 years in jail but subsequently condemned to death by a court in January 2019 - a month after Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou was arrested in Vancouver on a warrant from the United States.

His death penalty was upheld by a Chinese court in 2021. Canada has strongly condemned the decision to uphold the death sentence.

The Texas-based businessman was convicted by a Chinese court on drug-related charges and in 2019 was given a death sentence with reprieve. A United Nations working group has concluded he was arbitrarily detained in violation of international law.

He has been imprisoned for more than 10 years, according to his mother, Katherine Swidan.

Li, who is Chinese-American, has been detained in China since 2016. A court handed him a 10-year jail sentence in 2018 on espionage charges, which he denies, his son, Harrison Li, told Reuters.