
The Guardian-White House condemns car-ramming incident at Chinese consulate in San Francisco

October 10, 2023   2 min   401 words

这起在旧金山中国领事馆发生的冲撞事件令人震惊,白宫对此表示谴责,强调反对任何对外交机构及工作人员的暴力行为。尽管事件的细节尚不明朗,但官方暗示肇事司机可能有恶意行为。目前,我们还无法得知事件的背后动机或司机的身份。 这起事件引起了广泛关注,因为一辆Honda轿车冲进领事馆,随后司机被警察开枪射杀,最终在医院不治身亡。目击者描述了恐怖的一幕,司机不仅冲撞建筑,还拿着刀具,并且在与保安发生冲突后逃离现场。警察迅速赶到并展开行动,这一系列事件令人匪夷所思。 中国外交部发言人要求对此事件展开调查,同时提到维也纳领事关系公约,呼吁美国采取措施确保外交机构及工作人员的安全。这一事件引发了国际社会的关切,也引发了对外交机构安全的更深思考。希望事件背后的动机能够尽快澄清,以维护国际外交安全。

On Monday, Honda sedan was seen crashed into the visa office at the consulate in San Francisco.

The White House has denounced the violent incident at the Chinese consulate in San Francisco that began with a car crashing into the building and ended with police shooting the driver, who later died at a hospital.

“We condemn this incident and all violence perpetrated against foreign diplomatic staff working in the United States,” Adrienne Watson, White House National Security Council spokeswoman, to the Associated Press.

As of Tuesday, there was still little known about what led to the crash or who the driver was. A White House spokesperson who spoke to the Associated Press anonymously said officials said they think the driver was “acting with malign intent”.

On Monday afternoon, police flooded the area surrounding the consulate after a Honda sedan was seen crashed into the visa office.

“When officers arrived here on scene, they found the vehicle had come to rest inside the lobby of the Chinese consulate,” Sergeant Kathryn Winters, the San Francisco police department spokesperson, told reporters at a news briefing.

She said officers entered the building where the driver was shot by police. “The suspect was later pronounced deceased at the hospital,” Winters said.

A witness who was inside the consulate told KTVU-TV, the Bay Area’s Fox affiliate, that the man drove right through the front of the building, got out of the car bloodied and holding knives. He then began arguing with security guards who tried to detain the driver before he ran out of the building through the damaged doorway.

“I heard a really loud bang. I thought it was gunshots. I looked to the left and there was smoke,” said Tony Xin. “I turned back and saw the guy take out a crossbow.”

Xin said less than a minute after the driver got out of the car, five police officers arrived, initially with their guns drawn, and rushed into the building.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin called for an investigation at a daily briefing Tuesday without giving any details about damage to the consulate or injuries to staff and visitors.

“We strongly urge the US to launch a swift investigation and take effective measures to ensure the safety of Chinese diplomatic missions and personnel there in accordance with the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations,” Wang said, referring to the 1961 agreement governing relations between countries.