Reuters-Schumer made clear to Chinas Xi that US wants stability fairness
October 10, 2023 2 min 249 words
这篇报道显示,美国参议院多数党领袖Chuck Schumer在与中国国家主席习近平的会面中强调了美国对双边贸易的稳定和公平的追求。他表示,美国希望建立一个为美国企业和工人提供公平竞争机会的基础,强调了互惠原则的重要性。这次会谈虽然坦诚,但也是富有成果的。 这一报道反映了中美两国在台湾、贸易、人权等问题上存在分歧,但双方都试图保持沟通渠道的开放。Schumer强调,美国不寻求与中国对抗,而是致力于在该地区推动稳定、自由和民主原则。此外,他还敦促中国采取更积极的措施阻止致命药物芬太尼的出口。 这次会晤显示了美国在中美关系中的立场和期望,即追求公平和稳定,同时表明了两国之间复杂的关系。继续保持对话和合作对于解决双方分歧至关重要。
U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer on Tuesday said he had made clear to Chinese President Xi Jinping during a Beijing meeting that the United States wanted stability and fairness in bilateral trade.
Schumer was part of a visiting U.S. bipartisan congressional delegation that aimed to advance U.S. economic and national security interests before a potential meeting between Xi and U.S. President Joe Biden next month.
"At the foundation of our relationship must be a level playing field for American businesses and workers as well as responsible competition. We need reciprocity," he said, describing Monday's conversation with Xi and other senior Chinese officials as "honest, but productive".
The United States and China are at odds over Taiwan, trade, human rights and other issues. Biden has taken steps to restrict China's access to sensitive U.S. technology while at the same time seeking to keep communication channels open.
"Our delegation made clear that America is not seeking a confrontation with China, but we will remain steadfast in our commitment to promoting stability in the region, freedom, and democratic principles," Schumer said in a statement.
Schumer also said he had also pressed Xi on the need for China to take more aggressive steps to stop the export of the deadly drug fentanyl.