
Reuters-China has said it will look into appointing senior official on fentanyl - Schumer

October 10, 2023   1 min   101 words

这篇报道涵盖了美国参议院多党代表团与中国国家主席习近平之间罕见会晤的内容。Chuck Schumer,美国参议院多数党领袖,表示这次会晤存在着“严肃的交流”。这种高级别的交流在国际关系中非常关键,尤其是在当前全球政治环境紧张的情况下。 关于这次会晤的报道让人感到一丝乐观,因为它表明美中双方都意识到需要取得实质性的成果。然而,Schumer也承认在某些问题上存在分歧,这并不奇怪,因为两国之间存在复杂的问题和利益冲突。 中国一直是国际关注的焦点,其与美国的关系尤为重要。这次会晤的结果将对全球政治和经济格局产生深远影响。我们期待看到双方如何在争议和合作之间寻求平衡,以推动国际事务朝着稳定和和平的方向发展。这是一次引人期待的重要时刻。

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) speaks during a news conference in Beijing, China October 9, 2023. REUTERS/Yew Lun Tian

China has said it would "look into" appointing a senior official responsible for the fentanyl issue that has become a major sticking point in U.S.-China relations, U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said in Beijing on Tuesday.

"I asked Xi to appoint a senior official on the China side and we would appoint a senior official" on fentanyl, Schumer told journalists at the Beijing residence of the U.S. Ambassador to China, Nicholas Burns. "They said they would look into that."