Reuters-Senior US China diplomats meet in Washington in latest dialogue
September 29, 2023 1 min 93 words
这篇报道涵盖了美中两国高级外交官在华盛顿会晤的情况,这一系列会谈旨在保持世界两大经济体之间的沟通渠道。美国助理国务卿负责东亚和太平洋事务的丹尼尔·克里滕布林克与中国副外长孙卫东进行了会晤,美方形容会谈为“坦诚、深入和建设性的磋商”。 这次会晤的重要性不可低估,尤其是在全球政治局势紧张的情况下。美中两国之间的合作和沟通至关重要,不仅对双方利益有深远影响,也对全球稳定与繁荣有着关键作用。 然而,我们需要更多的透明度和信息,以了解这些会谈的具体内容和取得的进展。这种会晤只有在真正的合作和妥协的基础上才能取得成功,否则只会是表面文章。我们期待看到双方能够在共同关心的问题上取得实质性进展,以促进国际合作和和平发展。
Two senior U.S. and Chinese diplomats met in Washington and held what the U.S. side described as "candid, in-depth, and constructive consultation," the latest in a series of recent talks to keep lines of communication open between the world's two largest economies.
U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel Kritenbrink met with Chinese Vice Foreign Minister for Asia Sun Weidong, the State Department said in a statement on Thursday.