
Reuters-US commends Philippines on removal of Chinese barrier near Scarborough Shoal

September 28, 2023   1 min   118 words

这则报道涉及到菲律宾在南海有争议地区的一次行动,以移除中国在斯卡伯勒暗沙附近设置的漂浮屏障。美国国防部的副助理国防部长Lindsey Ford表示,这是菲律宾为维护自己主权所采取的大胆行动。这次行动受到了美国的赞扬。 菲律宾对中国在距离其200公里的斯卡伯勒暗沙附近设置长期球形浮标屏障表示愤怒,这个地区多年来一直存在主权和渔业权利方面的 intermittent flare-ups(周期性爆发)。菲律宾声称他们进行了一次“特殊行动”以移除这个屏障,并将其视为国际法的侵犯。 这一报道反映了南海争端的紧张局势,以及美国对其盟国菲律宾的支持。这也凸显了南海地区的复杂性,不仅涉及主权争议,还涉及渔业权利等多个问题。南海局势牵涉到多个国家的利益,需要通过外交和国际法途径来解决。 在这个背景下,菲律宾的行动表现出了他们捍卫主权的决心,但这也可能进一步加剧了南海地区的紧张局势。国际社会需要努力推动各方通过对话和合作来解决争端,以维护地区的和平与稳定。


A senior U.S. defense official on Thursday said the Philippines' removal of a Chinese floating barrier near Scarborough Shoal in a disputed part of the South China Sea was "a bold step in defending their own sovereignty."

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for South and Southeast Asia Lindsey Ford made the remark at a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing.

Manila had expressed outrage over China's placement of a long, ball-buoy barrier near the rocky outcrop 200 km (124 miles) from the Philippines, the site of years of intermittent flare-ups over sovereignty and fishing rights.

The Philippines said on Monday it executed a "special operation" to remove the barrier, calling it a violation of international law.
