
Reuters-Shares of China Evergrande suspended as chairman under police watch

September 28, 2023   2 min   285 words

这则报道再次凸显了中国恒大的困境,该公司已成为中国房地产领域债务危机的象征。恒大主席被警方监管的消息使市场进一步陷入不安,这是一个令人担忧的迹象,表明了该开发商未来的不确定性。 恒大的主席Hui Ka Yan被警方带走并接受监控,而关于他被监视的原因尚不清楚,这引发了更多的疑虑。不仅如此,恒大还因无法发行新债券而陷入困境,这进一步加剧了公司的债务问题,使其重组计划陷入困境。 恒大目前面临的债务规模高达3000亿美元,相当于芬兰国内生产总值的规模,这使其成为中国房地产领域债务危机的典型代表,而该行业占据了中国经济的四分之一。如果恒大不在10月底之前提交新的债务重组计划,一些主要的海外债权人组织甚至计划加入对恒大的清算申请。 恒大的股票已在去年8月的17个月停牌之后重新上市,但目前看来,公司的重组计划前景堪忧,公司被清算的风险正在上升。这次的暂停交易对恒大的香港上市股票以及其物业服务和电动汽车业务都产生了影响,这再次突显了该公司的困境。 这一事件不仅对恒大自身产生了重大影响,还可能对中国房地产市场和整个经济产生深远的影响。它也提醒我们,监管和透明度在金融市场中的重要性,以避免类似情况的再次发生。

An Evergrande sign is seen near residential buildings at an Evergrande residential complex in Beijing, China September 27, 2023. REUTERS/Florence Lo

Trading in shares of China Evergrande (3333.HK) were suspended on Thursday after a report its chairman had been placed under police surveillance, intensifying concerns over the developer's future as it struggles with a growing threat of liquidation.

On Wednesday, Bloomberg News reported that Hui Ka Yan, who founded Evergrande in 1996, was taken away by police this month and was being monitored at a designated location

The report said it was not clear why Hui was under surveillance. Reuters could not immediately verify the news.

With more than $300 billion in liabilities - roughly the size of Finland's gross domestic product - Evergrande has become the poster child of a debt crisis in China's property sector, which contributes to roughly a quarter of the economy.

The company's debt woes took a rapid turn for the worse this week after it said it was unable to issue new debt due to an investigation into its main China unit, further complicating a proposed restructuring plan.

Reuters reported on Tuesday that a major Evergrande offshore creditor group was planning to join a liquidation court petition filed against the developer if it does not submit a new debt revamp plan by the end of October.

The company's restructuring plan now looks set to falter and the risks of the company being liquidated are rising, some analysts said.

Trading in its Hong Kong-listed shares and those of its property services (6666.HK) and electric vehicle (0708.HK) units was suspended on Thursday.

Shares of Evergrande had resumed trading in late August after a 17-month suspension.

Evergrande's stock last closed at HK$0.32.