
Reuters-US targets Iran drone procurement network accuses it of aiding Russia

September 27, 2023   1 min   207 words

这篇报道揭示了美国对伊朗的一项新制裁举措,针对一个涉嫌协助伊朗采购敏感部件的网络,并指责伊朗向俄罗斯提供了无人机,以支持俄罗斯对乌克兰的侵略行动。这一行动的焦点是该网络为伊朗伊斯兰革命卫队(IRGC)采购伊朗Shahed-136无人机的关键部件提供了运输和金融交易支持。 这一报道反映出美国对伊朗在国际事务中的角色持续紧张,尤其是伊朗与俄罗斯之间的关系引起了国际社会的关注。指责伊朗向俄罗斯提供无人机,加剧了对乌克兰局势的担忧,以及对伊朗在地区冲突中的参与的审视。 此次制裁行动还涉及多个国家和个人,包括伊朗、中国、土耳其和阿联酋,显示了美国对抗伊朗的多边努力。然而,这也可能引发国际间的一系列政治和经济反应。 总之,这一报道突显了国际关系中的复杂性,以及美国对伊朗采取更严厉立场的趋势,这将继续在国际舞台上产生影响。


The United States on Wednesday imposed sanctions on a network it said was helping procure sensitive parts for Iran's drone program, and accused Tehran of supplying Russia with drones to support Moscow's invasion of Ukraine.

The network has facilitated shipments and financial transactions in support of the powerful Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps' (IRGC) procurement of a critical component used in Iran's Shahed-136 drones, the Treasury Department said in a statement.

The move is the latest in a series of recent sanctions on Iran. Wednesday's action targets entities and individuals in Iran, China, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the department said.

"Iranian-made UAVs continue to be a key tool for Russia in its attacks in Ukraine, including those that terrorize Ukrainian citizens and attack its critical infrastructure," Treasury official Brian Nelson said in a statement.

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