Reuters-Nikki Haley Who is the Republican 2024 presidential hopeful
September 27, 2023 4 min 673 words
尼基·黑利是2024年共和党总统竞选的有力候选人,她的政治生涯和家庭背景都值得关注。黑利以坚定的保守派形象脱颖而出,能够更可信地处理性别和种族问题,这在共和党内相对独树一帜。然而,她也因在一些重大政策问题上模糊立场而受到批评。 黑利的家庭移民自印度,在南卡罗来纳州经营着一家服装店,她偶尔谈及家人面对的歧视。她毕业于克莱姆森大学,拥有会计学学位,并帮助扩展了父母的服装业务。之后,她在几家商业组织中担任领导职务,于2004年赢得南卡罗来纳州立法机构的席位。 在2010年当选南卡罗来纳州州长后,黑利成为该州首位女性州长,也是美国第二位拥有印度血统的州长。2015年,在白人至上主义者迪兰·鲁夫杀害九名黑人教堂会众后,她签署了一项法案,将南卡罗来纳州议会大楼的南方联邦军旗移除。 作为特朗普政府的联合国大使,黑利在国际舞台上积累了声望,成为美国利益的坚决捍卫者。在此期间,美国退出了备受共和党反感的伊朗核协议。 黑利是2024年总统竞选的早期参选者之一,虽然在民意调查中短暂上升,但在大多数国家和州级调查中仍然处于中低位。然而,她在共和党提名过程中的关键州,如新罕布什尔州和南卡罗来纳州,显示她在第二位。她努力塑造自己为最具外交政策能力的竞争者,尤其是在中国、朝鲜和乌克兰等问题上。尽管几乎所有竞争者都在对中国采取强硬立场,但黑利公开支持乌克兰,与特朗普和佛罗里达州州长罗恩·德桑蒂斯的立场不同,他们认为这场冲突与美国国家安全无关。 黑利与特朗普保持一定距离,但在一些时候试图与他和解。她在2021年1月6日特朗普支持者袭击美国国会,试图推翻他输给民主党的乔·拜登的选举后批评了特朗普,但后来试图修复关系。她一直回避与特朗普离任后的四项州和联邦起诉有关的问题。然而,她在今年夏天批评了特朗普处理敏感国家安全信息的起诉,表示如果起诉中列出的信息属实,这对我们的国家安全来说是“极为危险”的。她表示与特朗普在中国、朝鲜和乌克兰等问题上存在几个政策分歧。 尼基·黑利的政治生涯和立场复杂多样,她将如何在2024年总统竞选中脱颖而出,仍然是一个备受关注的问题。她的外交政策立场和与特朗普的关系将在未来的选战中起到关键作用。
Republican presidential contender Nikki Haley, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, has received a bump in opinion polls since a well-received debate performance in late August, though she remains in the single digits nationally.
She stands out on the campaign trail for talking frequently about foreign policy issues, and she is the highest-polling Republican who supports further involvement in the Ukraine war.
Here are some facts about Haley's life and political career:
Haley, 51, has gained a reputation in the Republican Party as a solid conservative who has the ability to address issues of gender and race in a more credible fashion than many of her peers. At the same time, she has drawn criticism for her ambiguous positions on some major policy issues.
She is the daughter of two immigrants from India who ran a clothing store in rural South Carolina, and has spoken occasionally about the discrimination her family faced.
Haley graduated from Clemson University in 1994 with a degree in accounting, and helped expand her parents' clothing business. She took on leadership roles in several business organizations before winning a seat in the South Carolina state legislature in 2004. She is married and has two children.
Elected governor of South Carolina in 2010, Haley became the first woman to hold that post in the Deep South state and the second person of Indian descent to serve as a state governor in the United States.
She received national attention in 2015 when she signed a bill into law removing the Confederate battle flag from the grounds of the South Carolina state capitol following the murder of nine black churchgoers by white supremacist Dylann Roof.
She also appointed a current rival in the Republican presidential nominating contest, Tim Scott, to the U.S. Senate in 2012.
Haley endorsed several rivals to Trump in the 2016 Republican presidential nominating contest, and occasionally tangled with him during the primaries.
But she then went on to serve as his ambassador to the United Nations, where she gained a reputation as a vocal defender of U.S. interests. During that time, the United States pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal, which was unpopular with Republicans.
Haley was among the first candidates to enter the race, throwing her hat into the ring in February.
While she enjoyed a brief bump in opinion polls, she subsequently languished in the mid- and lower single digits in most national and state-level surveys, until the August debate gave her a modest but measurable boost. She still has just a fraction the support of Trump, but multiple polls show her in second place in New Hampshire and South Carolina, key states in the Republican nominating process. She will be hoping the second debate on Wednesday further raises her profile.
She has tried to distinguish herself as the most capable contender on foreign policy. While almost all have staked out a tough position on China, Haley's unabashed support for Ukraine represents a contrast with Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who both say the conflict is not central to U.S. national security.
Since leaving the Trump administration in 2018, Haley has distanced herself from him several times, only to later soften her rhetoric.
She criticized Trump after his supporters attacked the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, in an attempt to overturn his 2020 election loss to Democrat Joe Biden, but later sought to make amends with him.
She has mainly dodged questions pertaining to Trump's four state and federal indictments since leaving office.
She did, however, criticize Trump after his indictment this summer for mishandling sensitive national security information, saying that if the information laid out in the indictment is true, it is "incredibly dangerous to our national security."
She has said she has several policy differences with Trump, notably with respect to China, North Korea and Ukraine.