纽约时报中文网 - 中英对照版-中英移除浮动屏障菲律宾强势抵制中国在南海领土主张
September 27, 2023 7 min 1293 words
这篇报道涵盖了菲律宾采取的一项强硬行动,拆除中国在南海设置的浮动屏障,这标志着菲律宾对中国不断扩张的领土主张采取更加坚决的抵制态度。报道中提到,菲律宾政府认为这个浮动屏障威胁了航行安全,违反了国际法,并表示这一行动是总统费迪南德·马科斯总统亲自下令执行的。 这一举动引起了国际社会的关注,尤其是美国,因为菲律宾是美国的盟友,而美国表示维护南海的航行自由是其利益所在。然而,报道中也提到了中国可能采取的反应,包括加强在南海的存在,以及担心可能爆发直接的军事冲突。 从评论员的角度来看,这篇报道凸显了南海地区的紧张局势,以及中国在该地区不断扩张的行为引发的担忧。评论员指出,中国可能不会采取军事行动,因为这可能会卷入与美国及其盟友的更广泛冲突,但他们也警告说,中国可能会加强其在南海的存在,导致更多紧张局势。 此外,报道还提到了国际社会需要关注南海问题,因为它关系到国际法和国际秩序的维护,不仅仅是菲律宾的问题。最后,报道强调了外交和对话的重要性,以解决南海争端,而不是通过军事手段解决争议。 总的来说,这篇报道反映了南海地区复杂的地缘政治局势,以及各方在维护自身利益和和平解决争端之间的复杂平衡。
The video may seem too simple, too understated to mark a serious international incident in the South China Sea: a quick clip of a diver using a knife to cut a section of rope underwater.
But that diver was with the Philippine Coast Guard, and the rope was part of a sea barrier placed by Chinese forces to keep Philippine boats away from an area they had a legal right to fish in. In that moment, the Philippines took one of the most forceful steps yet in contesting China’s unrelenting territorial claims ever closer to the Philippine Islands.
“The barrier posed a hazard to navigation, a clear violation of international law,” the Philippines said in a statement, adding that the action had come on direct orders from President Ferdinand E. Marcos Jr.
Since he took office in June 2022, Mr. Marcos has signaled wanting a more muscular foreign policy approach toward China. But until now, those actions were confined mostly to rhetoric, deepening alliances with the United States and other countries, and releasing videos of aggressive activities undertaken by the Chinese Coast Guard against Philippine vessels.
The surprise this time was that the action was being taken by Manila. It has left little doubt that the Philippines is offering more forceful resistance to China’s territorial designs.
While the Biden administration is likely to see that as good news, apprehension is rising in the region about how China might counter that resistance, and whether there could be a risk of sparking a direct military clash among China and the Philippines and its allies, including the United States Navy fleet patrolling the region.
After the rope was cut and the Philippines lifted the anchor that kept it in place, China removed the barrier. On Tuesday, a spokesman for China’s foreign ministry brusquely dismissed the Philippine statement. “We advise the Philippines not to cause provocation and cause trouble,” he said.
Song Zhongping, a commentator in Beijing who is a former military officer, said the Philippines was emboldened to cut the barrier “because the United States continues to encourage the Philippines to confront China in the South China Sea.”
“China must take decisive measures to put an end to the Philippines’ provocation,” Mr. Song said. “We can’t allow the Philippines to commit endless provocations and pose a serious threat to China’s national sovereignty and security.”
China claims 90 percent of the South China Sea, some of it thousands of miles from the mainland and in waters surrounding Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia and the Philippines. In the past decade or so, China has asserted ever greater control over these waters, using two island chains called the Paracels and the Spratlys to expand its military footprint by building and fortifying outposts and airstrips.
These actions have alarmed much of Asia and the United States, which says it has a vested interest in maintaining freedom of navigation in one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes. China’s military buildup, and increasingly aggressive action by its coast guard and maritime militia, have also raised questions about China’s intentions in the region and its willingness to comply with international law and norms.
The tensions are particularly pronounced in the Philippines, where fishermen have been blocked by Chinese vessels from fishing, and Manila has been prevented from fully exploring oil and gas deposits within an area that an international tribunal in The Hague ruled in 2016 to be part of the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone.
这种紧张局势在菲律宾表现得尤为明显,中国船只阻止菲律宾渔民去他们的传统水域捕鱼,并阻止了菲律宾政府对一个水域的石油和天然气储藏量进行充分勘探,尽管海牙国际法庭 已在2016年裁定该水域属于菲律宾的专属经济区。
Many analysts say China is likely to stop short of taking any military action against the Philippines, a treaty ally of the United States, for fear of being embroiled in a broader conflict with Washington and other U.S. allies in the region. In August, the American defense secretary, Lloyd Austin, reaffirmed that a mutual defense treaty with the United States “extends to Philippine public vessels, aircraft and armed forces — to include those of its Coast Guard — in the Pacific, including in the South China Sea.”
“If the U.S. has to engage in a military confrontation with China in the South China Sea, you can’t expect Australia and Japan, for example, to just sit there and idle about while their American allies are fighting the Chinese,” said Collin Koh, a senior fellow at the Institute of Defense and Strategic Studies in Singapore. “They will be drawn into it somehow. So this is something that I believe any good Chinese planner will have to consider.”
“如果美国不得不在南海与中国发生军事对抗的话,你不能指望——比如说,澳大利亚和日本等国在它们的盟友美国与中国作战时袖手旁观,”新加坡国防与战略研究所高级研究员许瑞麟(Collin Koh)说。“它们将以某种方式卷入。所以我相信这一点是任何中国优秀的军事规划师必须考虑的。”
Mr. Koh said he expects China to ramp up its presence in the South China Sea, perhaps by sending more vessels around disputed areas like Thitu Island and the Second Thomas Shoal to prevent Filipino fishermen from operating freely and to block maritime law enforcement vessels.
许瑞麟表示,他预计中国将加强在南中国海的存在,也许会派更多船只前往提图岛(Thitu Island,中国称中业岛——译注)和第二托马斯沙洲(Second Thomas Shoal,中国称仁爱礁——译注)等争议水域,以阻止菲律宾渔民自由作业,拦截海上执法船只。
Bilahari Kausikan, a former ambassador at large with Singapore’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said he believes “Beijing has enough problems at home without wanting to add to them by picking a confrontation with the U.S. as well.”
Mr. Kausikan said “the risk of conflict would be higher” if the Philippines had not removed the barrier, “because then the Chinese would be tempted to push the boundaries even further.”
But Leonardo Cuaresma, president of the New Masinloc Fishermen’s Association in the Philippines, said that in the municipality where the barrier was cut, he was nervous about how China could react.
“Here in Masinloc, it’s natural to feel fear because should there be a conflict, we will be the first one to feel it,” Mr. Cuaresma said. “It’s difficult, because we don’t know if there will be a war or what. We are anxious.”
Mr. Cuaresma said he and his peers have not been able to fish in the Scarborough Shoal for years because of China. “The moment we get near the entrance of the shoal, they would immediately block us,” he said. “Their smaller boats would sail beside us and tell us: ‘Go away, Filipino.’”
库阿雷斯玛说,由于中国的原因,他和同行已多年无法在斯卡伯勒浅滩(Scarborough Shoal,中国称黄岩岛——译注)捕鱼。“一旦我们靠近浅滩入口,他们就会立即挡住我们,”他说。“他们的小船会在我们旁边航行,对我们说:‘走开,菲律宾人。’”
Alongside the high emotions, there is still anxiety in Manila about how to deal with China.
Koko Pimentel, the Philippine Senate Minority Leader, told a Senate hearing that he agreed with the Marcos government’s decision to remove the Chinese barrier. But later, in a text message to a New York Times reporter, he offered a cautious addition: “We should avoid conflict as much as possible. Do everything through dialogue and diplomacy. Differing positions are a fact of life, and we should be able to navigate through life with this reality.”
Antonio Carpio, a former Supreme Court Senior Associate Justice in the Philippines and an expert on the South China Sea, said the Philippines was just mirroring what Malaysia and Indonesia did recently when both countries sent their ships to survey in disputed waters despite threats from China.
“If you assert your right and you stand your ground, well, China will not do anything,” he added.
Mr. Carpio said that, more broadly, the international community must pay attention to what is happening in the South China Sea because “what is at stake in Ukraine and in the South China Sea are exactly the same.”
“All nations must oppose this, because this is not just a matter of the Philippines, it’s about the future of the world,” he said. “If the U.N. Charter, which outlawed the wars of aggression, is overturned, then only nuclear powers will be able to settle disputes according to their dictates. It will be ‘might is right’ again.”