
The New Yorker-A Cartoonist Appreciates the Art at the Metropolitan Museum

September 27, 2023   2 min   339 words

这篇报道描述了一位漫画家在大都会艺术博物馆的艺术品中的观感和感受。作者通过插图和文字生动地展示了她在博物馆中的冒险。她以幽默和独特的观点评论了不同艺术作品,从古代雕塑到绘画再到陶瓷,每幅作品都引发了她不同的情感和思考。 这篇报道有趣而轻松,以作者自己的声音向读者传达了博物馆体验。她的评论充满了个人感情和幽默,这种独特的风格使读者更容易与她建立共鸣。同时,报道也传达了艺术如何触发观众的情感和思考,以及不同作品如何引发不同的反应。 总的来说,这篇报道为读者提供了一种有趣的方式来了解艺术和博物馆体验,同时也传达了作者的独特视角和观点。它使读者对艺术和文化有了更深入的了解,并鼓励他们去探索博物馆和艺术品。




I am immediately confronted by things much larger and older than I will ever be able to fully comprehend.


I imagine that having a variety of perspectives might help.

Gustave Courbet, “Woman with a Parrot”

This painting is from H. O. Havemeyer’s extensive collection of Courbet’s work. The Havemeyers were initially opposed to acquiring nudes, but, lucky for the rest of us, they were so taken by Courbet’s paintings that they changed course and ended up amassing an enormous collection of his private work, including many nudes.

(I learned this from the little placard.)


Alexandre Cabanel, “The Birth of Venus”

Cabanel’s nude differs from Courbet’s nudes for its more idyllic depiction of the female form. Mostly, I just like the cherubs, because look at them.

Edgar Degas, “The Little Fourteen-Year-Old Dancer”

As a former fourteen-year-old girl shrivelling under the male gaze, I find myself saddened and hoping it all worked out for her.

Palissy Ware

Truly unhinged ceramics.


Trying to imagine travelling back in time to a stuffy sixteenth-century household and being struck dead by this facehugger-esque nightmare plate in a china cabinet.


Van Gogh’s sunflowers are for everyone.


A guard permits me to finish the last of my breakfast scone outside the “Van Gogh’s Cypresses” exhibit.



Luckily, I’ve evolved above such restrictions.

Vincent van Gogh, “Newly Mowed Lawn with Weeping Tree”

Everyone is very moved by van Gogh’s cypress trees.



(Except for this person, whose feelings are also valid.)



Leaving the exhibit in an emotionally tender state, I am greeted by a gigantic vase featuring an inexplicable cartoon villain.

Nicholas Sébastien Adam, “Autumn”

And also this.

Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux, “Ugolino and His Sons”

Ugolino is imprisoned with his kin and forced to decide between death by starvation and cannabilism. His agony is apparent in, well, everything, but especially in his interlaced toes.


I finally leave to brave the elements outside and discover that my mortal body remains unchanged by the experience.
