
The Guardian-Military exercises near Taiwan aimed at combating arrogance of separatists says China

September 27, 2023   3 min   477 words

中国政府声称最近在台湾附近举行的军事演习旨在打击分裂势力的"傲慢",这一言论值得深思。随着台湾最近数周内军事活动的增加,包括在面向台湾的陆地上进行的演习,中国的这一表态引发了许多关切。台湾坚决否认中国对其主权的主张,而中国则视台湾为自己的领土。 中国军事活动频繁升级,增加了事件"失控"并引发意外冲突的风险,台湾的国防部长在周六表示。在北京的例行新闻发布会上,有关中国演习升级的问题以及台湾对风险增加的担忧,中国国台办发言人朱凤莲表示,解放军进行了一系列演习。她说:"目的是坚决打击台湾独立分裂势力的傲慢以及他们寻求独立的行动。"朱凤莲还补充道:"台独的挑衅行为继续不断,解放军维护国家主权和领土完整的行动一直在进行。"她呼吁大多数台湾同胞明辨是非,坚决反对台独,并与中国一起维护台湾海峡的和平与稳定。 这一问题的背后,不仅涉及地缘政治和军事紧张局势,还牵涉到台湾人民对自己未来的决定权。台湾的民选政府多次提出与中国进行对话的建议,但遭到了北京的拒绝。台湾国防部还报告了中国军队的进一步行动,指出在过去的24小时内,他们侦测并应对了16架中国飞机进入台湾的防空识别区,其中有12架越过了台湾海峡的中线。台湾海峡中线曾是两岸的非正式分界线,直到去年8月中国开始经常越过它。 台湾即将在周四推出首批八艘国产潜艇,作为其加强对抗中国的国防计划的一部分。对于这些潜艇,朱凤莲表示,台湾执政的民进党试图"以武力寻求独立"只会加剧紧张局势,并"把台湾人民推向危险的境地"。值得注意的是,中国国防部长李尚福失踪的情况也引发了一些疑虑,有消息称他正接受腐败调查。 最后,台湾国防部上周还不寻常地宣布,他们正在监控位于对面的福建省的中国演习。通常情况下,台湾只公开透露有关岛内天空和海域的演习详情。这一系列事件表明,台湾海峡的紧张局势持续升级,需要各方以冷静和谨慎的态度来处理,以避免进一步升级的风险。维护和平与稳定的解决方案应该是首选,而不是采取军事挑衅。

Chinese aircraft carrier Shandong is monitored by a Taiwanese Keelung class warship.

China’s government has said that recent drills near Taiwan were aimed at combating the “arrogance” of separatist forces, after Taipei reported a rise in military activity in recent weeks, including exercises on land facing the island.

Taiwan, which China claims as its own territory – a claim Taipei rejects – has said this month that it had observed dozens of fighters, drones, bombers and other aircraft, as well as warships and the Chinese aircraft carrier Shandong, operating nearby.

The increased frequency of China’s military activities has raised the risk of events “getting out of hand” and sparking an accidental clash, the island’s defence minister said on Saturday.

Asked at a regular news briefing in Beijing about the rise in Chinese drills, and Taiwan’s concerns about increased risk, China’s Taiwan affairs office spokesperson Zhu Fenglian said the People’s Liberation Army had carried out a “series” of drills.

“The purpose is to resolutely combat the arrogance of Taiwan independence separatist forces and their actions to seek independence,” Zhu said.

“The provocation of Taiwan independence continues all day long, and the actions of the People’s Liberation Army to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity are always ongoing,” she added. “I hope that the majority of Taiwanese compatriots will clearly distinguish between right and wrong, resolutely oppose Taiwan independence, and work with us to maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.”

China’s armed forces have not explicitly mentioned or commented on the drills, which have been taking place as Chinese defence minister Li Shangfu has gone missing from public view. Sources have told the Reuters news agency he is being investigated for corruption.

Taiwan’s democratically elected government says only the island’s people can decide their future, and has repeatedly offered talks with China, which Beijing has rejected.

Taiwan’s defence ministry on Wednesday reported further Chinese military movements, saying that in the previous 24 hours it had detected and responded to 16 Chinese aircraft entering the island’s air defence identification zone.

Of those, 12 crossed the median line of the Taiwan strait, which had served as an unofficial barrier between the two sides until China began regularly crossing it in August of last year.

On Thursday, Taiwan is due to launch the first of eight domestically made submarines as part of its plans to bolster defences against China.

Zhu, asked about the submarines, said efforts by Taiwan’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party to “seek independence with force” would only exacerbate tensions and “push the Taiwanese people into a dangerous situation”.

Taiwan’s defence ministry last week also took the unusual step of announcing it was monitoring Chinese drills in Fujian province, opposite Taiwan. Taiwan normally only gives details on drills in the skies and waters around the island.