
Reuters-Hillary Clinton pokes Putin on NATO expansion Too bad Vladimir

September 26, 2023   2 min   343 words

这则报道涉及到前美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿在她的正式肖像揭幕仪式上就北约扩张戳刺俄罗斯总统普京的言论。克林顿在活动中表示:“真是太糟糕了,弗拉迪米尔,你自己招惹了这一切。”她还利用这个机会表达了对前共和党总统唐纳德·特朗普政策的不满,特朗普在2016年击败了她。克林顿提到,由于特朗普疏远了盟友,人们可能对美国是否能够集结支持乌克兰抵抗俄罗斯在2022年的入侵感到怀疑。她表示,重新实施一项能够吸引人们而不是推开他们的外交政策可能被认为是极为困难的,但事实上已经实现了。她还感谢国务卿安东尼·布林肯“帮助恢复了美国的声誉”。 克林顿提到,现任民主党总统乔·拜登追求了奥巴马政府的许多优先事项,她当时是美国最高外交官,拜登担任了巴拉克·奥巴马的副总统。“捍卫乌克兰的民主,扩大北约 - 顺便说一句,真糟糕,弗拉迪米尔,这是你自找的。”她的言论引发了笑声和掌声。她补充说:“我们一直说,‘人们不是被迫加入北约。人们是自愿选择并希望加入北约的。’” 克林顿描述了她认为是拜登和奥巴马的共同优先事项:“扩大北约,面对俄罗斯的侵略,应对来自中国的挑战。”她开玩笑说,自从她看到这幅描绘她凝视远方的肖像以来已经过去了很长时间。这篇报道透露了一种对政策和国际局势的锐利见解,克林顿在这一场合上以一种幽默而刺痛的方式对俄罗斯的行动提出了挑战,同时还对美国的外交政策进行了赞扬。这种坚定的立场反映出克林顿对国际政治的深刻理解和对美国角色的坚定信念。


Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton needled Russian President Vladimir Putin about NATO enlargement on Tuesday, saying: "Too bad, Vladimir. You brought it on yourself."

Returning to the State Department for the unveiling of her official portrait, Clinton also used the occasion to display distaste for the policies of Republican former President Donald Trump, who defeated her in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Clinton suggested that there may have been questions about the U.S. ability to muster support for Ukraine to resist Russia's 2022 invasion because of Trump's legacy of alienating allies.

"People might have doubted that because we had burned so many bridges with our allies and our friends," she told current and former officials in the agency's ornate Benjamin Franklin State Dining Room.

"Reinstating a foreign policy ... that actually brings people to us, not pushes them away, would have been thought to be extremely difficult. And indeed it was, but it was accomplished," she added, thanking Secretary of State Antony Blinken for "helping to restore America's standing."

Clinton said fellow Democrat U.S. President Joe Biden pursued many of the priorities of the Obama administration, in which she was the top U.S. diplomat and he served as vice president to Barack Obama.

"Defending democracy in Ukraine, expanding NATO - just as an aside, too bad Vladimir, you brought it on yourself," she said, prompting laughter and applause.

"We always said, 'people are not forced to join NATO. People choose and want to join NATO,'" she added.

Clinton described what she saw as common Biden and Obama priorities of "expanding NATO, facing down Russian aggression and managing the challenges from China."

She joked that it had been a long time since she had seen the portrait, which depicted her gazing into the distance against the backdrop of an enlarged American flag.

"Between COVID, between not wanting to finish it during the prior administration," she said with a meaningful glance at the audience, drawing laughter, "it's been a while. And I am going to be probably as surprised as all of you."