
Reuters-North Korea tells UN No choice but to accelerate building its self-defense

September 26, 2023   2 min   337 words

这则报道描绘了朝鲜驻联合国大使向联合国大会发表的讲话,强烈表达了朝鲜对于其自卫能力加强的紧迫感。文章提到,朝鲜指责美国和韩国将朝鲜半岛推向核战争的边缘,称2023年是一个极为危险的年份,朝鲜半岛正处于核战爆发的危险边缘。朝鲜的大使表示,面对当前形势,朝鲜别无选择,只能进一步加强自卫能力的建设。 首先,这篇报道突显了朝鲜对于地区稳定和国家安全的极大关切,尤其是在美国和韩国加强联合军演的背景下。这种紧张局势对于全球和地区的和平都具有潜在的危险性,需要国际社会高度关注。 另外,报道也提到了朝鲜过去18个月来进行了多次弹道导弹测试,以及美国警告可能进行第七次核试验的情况。这再次突显了朝鲜核问题的紧迫性和复杂性,需要各方以冷静和建设性的方式解决。 最后,报道还涉及到联合国安理会对朝鲜的制裁问题,以及安理会内部在如何应对朝鲜问题上的分歧。这反映出国际社会在应对朝鲜问题上的困难,需要更多的外交努力来寻求解决方案。 总的来说,这篇报道突显了朝鲜半岛地区的紧张局势和国际社会对于如何应对朝鲜核问题的不确定性。在这种情况下,各方需要继续寻求外交途径,以确保地区和全球的和平与稳定。

The flag of North Korea is seen in Geneva, Switzerland, June 20, 2017. REUTERS/Pierre Albouy/File Photo

North Korea's United Nations envoy accused the United States and South Korea on Tuesday of pushing the Korean peninsula closer to the brink of nuclear war, telling the U.N. General Assembly that as a result his country had no choice but to further accelerate a build-up of its self-defense capabilities.

"The year 2023 has been recorded as an extremely dangerous year," Ambassador Kim Song told the last day of the annual U.N. gathering of world leaders. "The Korean peninsula is in a hair-trigger situation with imminent danger of nuclear war breakout."

"Given the prevailing circumstances, the DPRK (North Korea) is urgently required to further accelerate the build-up of its self-defense capabilities to defend itself impregnably," Kim told the 193-member General Assembly.

North Korea has tested dozens of ballistic missile in the past 18 months. The United States has long warned that Pyongyang was ready to carry out a seventh nuclear test.

Pyongyang says it is exercising its right to self-defense with its ballistic missile tests to safeguard its sovereignty and security interests from military threats.

"The DPRK remains steadfast and unchanged in its determination to firmly defend the national sovereignty, security interests and well-being of the people against the hostile threats from outside," Kim said.

North Korea - formally known as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) - has been under U.N. Security Council sanctions for its missile and nuclear programs since 2006. The measures have been steadily strengthened over the years.

However, for the past several years the 15-member Security Council has been divided over how to deal with Pyongyang. Russia and China, veto powers along with the United States, Britain and France, have said more sanctions will not help and want such measures to be eased.

China and Russia say joint military drills by the United States and South Korea provoke Pyongyang, while Washington accuses Beijing and Moscow of emboldening North Korea by shielding it from more sanctions.