The Guardian-Biden pledges 40bn to Pacific islands as summit seeks to reassert influence
September 25, 2023 6 min 1071 words
拜登政府在与太平洋岛国领导人会晤时承诺提供400亿美元的经济援助,旨在加强美国在不断增长的中国存在面前的参与度。总统还正式承认了两个新的岛国——库克群岛和纽埃。这两天的会议旨在重申美国在该地区的影响力,尽管中国的影响力如鬼魅般萦绕在盛宴中。 拜登在太平洋岛国领导人论坛开始时宣布:“美国致力于确保印太地区自由、开放、繁荣和安全。我们致力于与这个桌子周围的所有国家合作实现这一目标。”此次访问领导人受到了政府的盛情款待,从纽约参加联合国大会的大多数领导人被特别安排乘坐火车前往巴尔的摩,然后参加了巴尔的摩乌鸦队橄榄球比赛,场上对他们的“在印太地区的美国朋友的角色”表示赞赏。 此外,这些太平洋领导人还登上了美国海岸警卫队的一艘巡逻船,由海岸警卫队司令琳达·法根上将向他们介绍了打击非法捕鱼和管理海上领域的行动。在接下来的两天里,他们将会见政府高层成员。国务卿安东尼·布林肯和驻联合国大使琳达·托马斯-格林菲尔德将在星期一晚上为访客举行晚宴,而在第二天晚上,澳大利亚大使馆将主办烧烤晚宴。 尽管美国试图从中国手中夺回该地区的影响力,但其对太平洋地区的魅力攻势在开始前遭遇了挫折,所罗门群岛总理曼纳塞·索加瓦雷宣布不会出席,他现在与北京紧密结盟。 美国政府一位高级官员表示:“可以说,美国对索加瓦雷的决定感到失望。”索加瓦雷在出席联合国大会后回国。去年,他拒绝签署美国-太平洋合作协议,但去年与中国签署了一项安全协议,并同意加强执法和安全事务合作。 拜登政府提供的经济基础设施援助包括为太平洋岛国提供安全的海底电缆连接。然而,资金计划必须提交给国会,而共和党人威胁要在支出方面的对峙中关闭政府。 除了对库克群岛和纽埃的承认,政府还在所罗门群岛和汤加开设了两个新大使馆。明年初,USAid计划在斐济设立地区任务和在瓦努阿图设立美国大使馆,以弥补几十年来的外交忽视,因为太平洋地区成为与中国的战略竞争的焦点。 太平洋岛国领导人在谈判中预计将推动更多关于气候变化等问题的支持,并计划与美国气候特使约翰·克里会晤。 总的来说,这次峰会被描述为“历史性”,这是拜登今年早些时候取消前往巴布亚新几内亚的访问之后的举措,以便专注于债务上限谈判。 “毫无疑问,中国在其中发挥了一定的作用…它的自信和影响力,包括在这个地区,都是需要我们保持战略关注的因素,”法新社援引匿名的白宫高级官员的话说。 洛伊研究所太平洋群岛项目主任梅格·基恩博士将这次峰会描述为“历史性的”,并补充说,这是拜登在一年前与14个太平洋岛国举行的首次峰会之后的举措,他的政府承诺更加努力地与盟友和伙伴合作以解决他们的需求。 梅格·基恩博士说:“毫无疑问,中国在其中发挥了一定的作用…它的自信和影响力,包括在这个地区,都是需要我们保持战略关注的因素。” 这次峰会的关键词是“历史性”,因为它标志着美国对太平洋岛国的战略关注的加强,尤其是在与中国之间的地缘政治竞争中。太平洋地区已经从十年前的战略忽视期发展成为今天的战略兴趣、竞争和“操纵”的主题
Joe Biden has offered $40bn in economic aid to Pacific islands at a White House meeting with leaders from the region aimed at bolstering US engagement in the face of growing a growing Chinese presence.
The president also announced formal US recognition of two new island nations, the Cook Islands and Niue, at the start of the Pacific Islands Forum, two days of Washington meetings with leaders from the group’s 18 members.
“The United States committed to ensuring an Indo-Pacific region that is free, open, prosperous and secure. We’re committed to working with all the nations around this table to achieve that goal,” Biden said at the forum’s welcoming ceremony.
The visiting leaders having been feted by the administration, brought down from New York where most attended the UN general assembly, on a special train to Baltimore where they were take to an American football game at the Baltimore Ravens’ stadium. There they were brought out on field and celebrated for “for their roles as American friends in the Indo-Pacific”.
The Pacific leaders were also taken onboard a US Coast Guard cutter in Baltimore Harbor and they were briefed by the Coast Guard commandant, Adm Linda Fagan, on operations to combat illegal fishing and manage maritime domains. Over the next two days they will meet top members of the administration. The secretary of state, Antony Blinken, and ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield will host a dinner for the visitors on Monday night, and on the second night, the Australian embassy will host a barbecue.
“I think what the Biden administration has been able to do is to step up our game considerably in a short period of time in the Indo-Pacific,” a senior administration official said. “We have deep moral, strategic and historic interests here. And I think we’re reaffirming that promise.”
However, the US charm offensive, aimed at clawing back influence in the region from China, suffered a setback before it started, with the announcement by the Solomon Islands prime minister, Manasseh Sogavare, now closely aligned with Beijing, that he would not attend.
“I think it’d be fair to say that the United States is disappointed” in Sogavare’s decision, a senior administration official said.
Sogavare went home over the weekend after attending the UN general assembly. He refused to sign on to a US-Pacific partnership agreement last year, but did sign a security agreement with China last year, and agreed to increase cooperation on law enforcement and security matters.
The prime minister of Vanuatu, Sato Kilman, did not attend as he had to return to face a parliamentary vote of no confidence.
Part of the economic infrastructure aid Biden is offering, includes secure undersea cable connectivity to Pacific Island nations. However, the funding plans have to be submitted to Congress, where Republicans are threatening to shut down government in a standoff over spending.
As well as recognition for the Cook Islands and Niue, the administration has opened two new embassies in the Solomon Islands and Tonga. A USAid regional mission in Fiji and a US embassy in Vanuatu are planned for early next year in an effort to make up for decades of diplomatic neglect, as the Pacific becomes the focus of strategic competition with China.
The Pacific leaders were expected to push for more support for climate change among other matters at the talks, and were due to meet the US climate envoy, John Kerry, on Monday.
Biden hosted a first summit with 14 Pacific island nations a year ago at which his administration promised to work harder with allies and partners to address their needs.
There was “no question that there is some role that the PRC [China] has played in all this … its assertiveness and influence, including in this region, has been a factor that requires us to sustain our strategic focus,” AFP reported, citing a senior White House official on condition of anonymity.
Dr Meg Keen, director of the Pacific Islands program at the Lowy Institute, described the summit as “historic”, and it comes after Biden pulled out of a visit to Papua New Guinea earlier this year to focus on debt ceiling negotiations.
“Given there has been a long absence, the US has been working quite quickly to make up lost ground,” Keen said.
“They have got back into the region. The region is waiting to see if the big commitments are going to be delivered.”
During the 2022 summit the US announced more than $800m in assistance to island states. The White House said in a statement this year’s summit would reaffirm the US commitment to shared regional priorities and cooperation on key issues including climate change and maritime security.
Tonga’s prime minister, Siaosi Sovaleni, told reporters the upcoming meeting was “an opportunity for us to share our concerns”.
In a high-level meeting in New York last week ahead of the summit, Sovaleni said Tonga’s top priorities were climate change and oceans, and that he would seek new investors to support these challenges.
“The urgency for change is evident,” Sovaleni said.
Sovaleni is expected to discuss how the US can support better access to climate finance and improved oceans security and management.
The secretary-general of the Pacific Islands Forum, Henry Puna, told an event in New York last week that he hoped the summit would bring concrete actions on issues including climate change.
Puna said the Pacific island region had gone from a period of strategic neglect a decade ago to become a subject of strategic interest, competition and “manipulation” today – a reference to the geopolitical rivalry for influence in the region between the US and China.