Reuters-US hits Chinese Russian firms over Moscow military aid
September 25, 2023 2 min 402 words
这篇报道反映了美国政府对中国和俄罗斯公司采取了新的贸易限制措施,指责它们向俄罗斯在乌克兰战争中制造无人机所需的零部件。这一举措表明了美国政府对乌克兰冲突的关切,以及对中国和俄罗斯在支持俄罗斯行动方面的担忧。 报道中提到,共有28家公司被列入了贸易黑名单,其中包括一些芬兰和德国公司,这将使美国供应商更难以向它们出口技术。九家公司被指控涉及供应无人机零部件给俄罗斯的特别技术中心,这些公司包括中国的Asia Pacific Links Ltd.和俄罗斯的SMT-iLogic。这一行动似乎是对去年由路透社和俄罗斯媒体iStories以及伦敦国防智库皇家联合服务研究所合作进行的调查的回应,该调查揭示了一个全球性的物流网络,最终将追溯到俄罗斯圣彼得堡的Orlan无人机生产线。 这一举措表明美国政府的决心,不会容忍那些继续支持俄罗斯在乌克兰进行的非法和不道德战争的企业。此外,还有六家中国实体被列入黑名单,指控它们采购用于制造伊朗用于袭击中东油轮和俄罗斯在乌克兰使用的无人机的航空部件。 美国政府一直在积极使用实体名单这一贸易黑名单,以针对中国的科技行业,并试图阻止俄罗斯在乌克兰的行动。这一报道反映了国际政治和军事力量之间的复杂互动,以及美国在维护国际安全和平方面的立场。
U.S. President Joe Biden's administration on Monday imposed new trade restrictions on 11 Chinese and five Russian companies, accusing some of supplying components to make drones for Russia's war effort in Ukraine.
The Commerce Department, which oversees export policy, added a total of 28 firms, including some Finnish and German companies, to a trade blacklist, making it harder for U.S. suppliers to ship them technology.
Nine of the companies, including China's Asia Pacific Links Ltd. and Russia's SMT-iLogic, allegedly took part in a scheme to supply the previously blacklisted Special Technology Center with drone parts for Russia's Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff (GRU).
An investigation by Reuters and iStories, a Russian media outlet, in collaboration with the Royal United Services Institute, a defense think tank in London, last year uncovered a logistical trail that spans the globe and ends at the Orlan drone's production line, the Special Technology Centre in St. Petersburg, Russia.
The investigation found that Hong Kong-based exporter Asia Pacific Links Ltd. has been among the most important suppliers to Russia's drone program. The firm, along with import company SMT iLogic, were the target of an earlier round of U.S. sanctions in May.
The companies did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
"We will not hesitate to take swift and meaningful action against those who continue seeking to supply and support Putin’s illegal and immoral war in Ukraine," the Commerce Department's export controls chief Alan Estevez said in a statement.
Another six Chinese entities were added for allegedly procuring aerospace parts for the Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Company that are used to make drones used by Iran to attack oil tankers in the Middle East and by Russia in Ukraine, according to the Commerce Department.
The Special Technology Center in St. Petersburg, Russia, which once made a variety of surveillance gadgets for the Russian government and now focuses on drones for the military, was first targeted by U.S. sanctions after former President Barack Obama said it had worked with Russian military intelligence to try to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
The United States has aggressively used a trade blacklist known as the entity list to target China's tech sector and attempt to stymie Russia's war in Ukraine.