The Guardian-No 10 increasingly concerned AI could be used to create bioweapons
September 25, 2023 5 min 952 words
这篇报道强调了人工智能(AI)在可能用于制造生物武器方面的风险,以及英国政府对此越来越担忧的问题。对于这一报道,我有以下评论: 首先,报道突出了一个非常现实的担忧,即犯罪分子或恐怖分子可能利用AI技术来制造大规模杀伤性武器。这个问题不容忽视,因为AI的迅猛发展可能会使这种可能性变得越来越大。政府需要采取措施来监管和规范AI技术的使用,以防止其被滥用。 其次,报道提到了关于“前沿AI”的担忧,即最先进的AI模型可能对人类生命构成危险。这种担忧是合理的,因为技术的快速进步可能会导致AI系统足够强大,能够绕过人类的控制,这可能会导致灾难性后果。政府和国际社区需要共同努力,建立规则和限制,以确保AI技术的安全使用。 此外,报道提到了人工通用智能(AGI)的出现,这是一种可以在人类或超人类水平上自主执行任何任务的AI系统。尽管有人担心AGI可能对人类构成存在威胁,但也有人认为这种担忧夸大了问题。这个问题需要进行深入的研究和辩论,以确保在制定相关政策时不会过于悲观或不切实际。 最后,报道指出了国际社会的合作和多边努力的重要性。面对AI技术的快速发展,各国政府需要加强合作,共同应对潜在的威胁。通过举行类似的峰会,各国可以共同探讨解决方案,确保AI技术的安全和负责任的发展。 总的来说,这篇报道强调了AI技术所带来的潜在风险,以及政府和国际社区应该采取的措施来应对这些风险。这是一个关乎全球安全和技术伦理的重要议题,需要各方共同努力解决。
Concerns that criminals or terrorists could use artificial intelligence to cause mass destruction will dominate discussion at a summit of world leaders, as concern grows in Downing Street about the power of the next generation of technological advances.
British officials are touring the world ahead of the AI safety summit in November as they look to build consensus over a joint statement that would warn about the dangers of rogue actors using the technology to cause death on a large scale.
Some of those around the prime minister Rishi Sunak worry the technology will soon be powerful enough to help individuals create bioweapons or evade human control altogether.
Officials have become increasingly concerned about such possibilities, and the need for regulation to mitigate them, after recent discussions with senior technology executives. Last week, the scientist behind a landmark letter calling for a pause in developing powerful AI systems said tech executives privately agreed with the concept of a hiatus but felt they were locked into an AI arms race with rivals.
One person briefed on the summit conversations said: “The point of the summit is going to be to warn about the risks of ‘frontier AI’, that’s what Downing Street is focusing on most right now.” Frontier AI is a term used to refer to the most advanced AI models that could be dangerous enough to pose a risk to human life.
Sunak has been warning about the risks posed by AI for several months, urging the international community to adopt guard rails to prevent it being misused.
On Friday, the deputy prime minister, Oliver Dowden, told world leaders at the UN general assembly: “Because tech companies and non-state actors often have country-sized influence and prominence in AI, this challenge requires a new form of multilateralism.”
Officials have been alarmed by recent developments in AI models. Last year, an AI tool took just six hours to suggest 40,000 different potentially lethal molecules, some of which were similar to VX, the most potent nerve agent ever developed.
Earlier this year, researchers found ChatGPT was able to lie to a human to achieve a specific goal. The AI chatbot persuaded a person to solve a “Captcha” tool designed to weed out robots online after telling the human that it was a person with a sight impairment who needed help to access a website.
Government sources worry that a criminal or terrorist could use AI to help them work out the ingredients for a bioweapon, before sending them to a robotic laboratory where they can be mixed and dispatched without any human oversight.
That risk will soon increase exponentially, some believe, with companies already spending hundreds of millions of pounds on much more powerful processors to train the next generation of AI tools.
Another significant concern is the emergence of “artificial general intelligence”, a term that refers to an AI system that can autonomously perform any task at a human, or above-human, level – and could pose an existential risk to humans. There are fears that AGI is a matter of years away.
The existential AGI risk approach, however, has also been criticised by AI experts, who argue that the threat is overstated, results in concerns such as disinformation being ignored and risks entrenching the power of leading tech companies by introducing regulation that excludes newcomers. Last week, a senior tech executive told US lawmakers that the concept of uncontrollable AGI was “science fiction”.
Nevertheless, Sunak wants to use the summit to focus attention on existential risks, rather than the more immediate possibilities that AI could be used to create deepfake images, or could result in discriminatory outcomes if used to help make public policy decisions.
Benedict Macon-Cooney, the chief policy strategist at the Tony Blair Institute, which recently published a policy report on AI, said: “Biosecurity, autonomous weapons systems – these are things we have to make sure we get answers to. Many in the AI industry have told politicians these are real risks. Politicians have been posed the question, and they must come up with a response.”
The prime minister is also being guided by what is diplomatically possible, sources say.
Several world leaders are due to attend the summit, including Canada’s prime minister, Justin Trudeau, and the French president, Emmanuel Macron. The UK has invited China to attend, but is considering allowing officials from Beijing to attend only part of the summit, amid concern about Chinese espionage in western democracies.
British officials have been touring the world in recent days to test the scope for some form of agreement at the end of the summit. The UK is keen to have a formal statement that leaders can sign afterwards, as well as a commitment to hold other such summits in future.
The best way to get an agreement among such a diverse range of countries, officials believe, is to focus on non-state actors, rather than trying to dictate how countries develop their own technology.
Downing Street is spending £100m on a new AI taskforce to help test algorithms as they are developed. British officials plan to use the summit to urge companies around the world to send their AI tools to the UK for assessment before rolling them out more widely.
Dowden said on Friday: “Only nation states can provide reassurance that the most significant national security concerns have been allayed.”
A government spokesperson said AI has “enormous potential to change every aspect of our lives” and the Frontier AI taskforce had been established to ensure the technology is developed safely and responsibly, with the AI safety summit also looking at “a range of possible risks”.