
纽约时报中文网 - 中英对照版-中英独立记者黄雪琴活动人士王建兵因煽颠受审

September 25, 2023   5 min   913 words

这篇报道涉及到中国记者黄雪琴和活动人士王建兵因“煽颠”罪名受审的情况,反映了中国政府对公民社会的加强打压。黄雪琴曾是中国#MeToo运动中的重要声音,她在社交媒体上发起了关于性骚扰的举报平台,组织并发布了有关性骚扰在大学和工作场所普遍存在的调查结果。然而,她与王建兵被拘留,并在审判前无法会见律师。 这起案件的模糊罪名一直被视为钳制异见的手段,反映了中国共产党自习近平上台以来对言论自由和政治权利的打压。中国政府对这两名被告的朋友进行了询问和压力,要求他们签署不利于被告的证词,这进一步凸显了政府对异议声音的打压。 黄雪琴和王建兵代表了中国年轻活动人士的勇气,他们致力于妇女权利和劳工权益的和平活动,但却遭到政府的惩罚。国际特赦组织指出,黄雪琴在拘留期间可能受到虐待,健康状况急剧恶化。 这篇报道突显了中国政府对公民社会的全面打压,以及对言论自由和政治权利的限制。这也提醒我们,为了维护公民权益和言论自由,我们需要持续关注和关心这类事件,并向受害者提供支持。

2017年,中国记者黄雪琴在新加坡。她已在中国被关押两年。 #FreeXueBing, via Associated Press

After two years in detention, a Chinese journalist who spoke up against sexual harassment stood trial on subversion charges on Friday along with a labor rights activist, the latest example of Beijing’s intensified crackdown on civil society.


Huang Xueqin, an independent journalist who was once a prominent voice in China’s #MeToo movement, and her friend Wang Jianbing, the activist, were taken away by the police in September 2021 and later charged with inciting subversion of state power. Their trial was held at the Guangzhou Intermediate People’s Court in southern China.


Little is known about the government’s case, but the vaguely worded offense with which the two were charged has long been seen as a tool for muzzling dissent. Since China’s top leader, Xi Jinping, came to power in 2012, the ruling Communist Party has sought to essentially silence people who have fought for free speech and political rights. A steady stream of activists, lawyers, tycoons and intellectuals have been put on trial and sentenced.


In Ms. Huang and Mr. Wang’s cases, the authorities questioned dozens of their friends in the months after their detentions and pressured them to sign testimonies against the two, according to Chinese Human Rights Defenders, an advocacy group that is in close contact with many activists.


“This case showcases the squashing of the entire civil society,” said Lu Pin, a feminist activist. “From the detention to the trial, the authorities acted arbitrarily without any rules.”


Ms. Huang emerged as an important activist in China’s burgeoning #MeToo movement in early 2018, when she created a social media platform for reporting sexual harassment. She organized and published surveys that found it to be rampant in universities and workplaces. A champion of women’s right to speak out about harassment, Ms. Huang also described having been subjected to it herself by a colleague at a national news organization.


When the police in Guangzhou took her away in 2021, it was not for the first time. She had been detained in 2019 after writing about and participating in anti-government protests in Hong Kong. At that time, Ms. Huang wrote a handwritten account of her detention, titled “Being a journalist is not a crime”; it was later posted on a GitHub webpage, run by supporters of Ms. Huang and Mr. Wang, that collects details about their cases.


Mr. Wang worked to promote the rights of people with disabilities as well as workers. He was also a #MeToo advocate who tried to help victims of harassment speak out.


2017年,劳工维权人士王建兵在中国庐山。 #FreeXueBing, via Associated Press

The police detained Ms. Huang and Mr. Wang at his home the day before her planned departure from China to begin a master’s program on gender studies in Britain, according to Chinese Human Rights Defenders. The two were held for 47 days without access to lawyers before formal arrest notices were shared with their friends, the rights group said.


“Over the last 10 years the government has thoroughly decimated civil society and fragmented it,” said William Nee, the group’s research and advocacy coordinator. “I think it’s telling that they detained her on her way to the airport.”

“过去10年里,政府彻底摧毁了公民社会,使其支离破碎,”该组织的研究和倡导协调员倪伟平(William Nee)说。“我认为,他们在她去机场的路上扣留了她,这很说明问题。”

A United Nations working group on arbitrary detentions has raised concerns about the lengthy detention of Mr. Wang.


China’s #MeToo movement gained momentum in 2018 as activists across the country posted petitions online demanding investigations into sexual harassment. Ms. Huang’s own investigation of the harassment of female students by a professor at Beihang University prompted China’s education ministry to strip the professor of his title.


But not long after China’s internet lit up with #MeToo activity, state censors stepped in, making it difficult to organize marches and galvanize public support. Some officials warned activists that if they spoke out, they would be punished and seen as traitors.


“Feminism itself has been identified as a subversive subject,” Leta Hong Fincher, author of “Betraying Big Brother: The Feminist Awakening in China,” said in an interview.

“女权主义本身就被视为一个颠覆性的话题,”《背叛老大哥——女权主义在中国的觉醒》(Betraying Big Brother: The Feminist Awakening in China)一书的作者洪理达(Leta Hong Fincher)在接受采访时说。

“Partly that’s because you have activists like Huang Xueqin who are very well organized and extremely determined,” she added.


No legal documents about the case have been made public. Reached by telephone this week, an employee at Guangzhou’s Intermediate People’s Court said she had no information to provide.


But supporters said they believed the defendants were being punished for regularly attending gatherings at Mr. Wang’s home, where people interested in civil society often met to discuss social issues and for moral support.


Amnesty International said Ms. Huang was believed to have been subjected to mistreatment in detention and that her health had deteriorated drastically.


“Sophia Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing represent the courageous wave of younger Chinese activists who have connected with the public concerned about social issues,” said Sarah Brooks, a deputy regional director for Amnesty International, using a Western name adopted by Ms. Huang.


“They have been targeted for their peaceful activism on women’s and labor rights by a government that fears organized dissent,” Ms. Brooks said.


In April, China sentenced Xu Zhiyong and Ding Jiaxi, two of the country’s most prominent human rights lawyers, to 14 years and 12 years in prison, respectively, after they organized a gathering of about 20 lawyers and activists to discuss the rights of Chinese citizens. They had also been charged with inciting subversion.
