BBC News Top Stories-World Kosovo police surround 30 gunmen in monastery after officer shot
September 24, 2023 3 min 570 words
这篇报道涉及科索沃一名警官被枪杀后,警方包围了至少30名武装分子的情况。事发地点是科索沃北部村庄班斯卡的一座修道院。首相阿尔宾·库尔蒂指责塞尔维亚支持这次袭击,称之为“恐怖袭击”,并称另一名警官也受伤。北约领导的科索沃维和平部队表示,他们在该地区驻扎有部队,并准备在需要时做出响应。此前,科索沃因5月份有争议的地方选举引发暴力冲突,导致局势紧张。由于中介的政治谈判陷入停滞,欧盟试图稳定局势的努力未能取得进展。 这次事件引发了对科索沃地区的紧张局势的担忧,尤其是考虑到科索沃在2008年宣布独立,但塞尔维亚、中国和俄罗斯等国仍不承认其独立地位。这一局面凸显了地区内多民族、多宗教的复杂性。 报道中提到,袭击发生在凌晨3点左右,警察前往班斯卡,据称那里曾发生封锁事件。警察在多个不同的位置受到攻击,袭击者使用了各种武器,包括手榴弹和肩扛导弹。这一情况表明,这次袭击是经过计划和协调的,背后可能有组织的犯罪团伙支持。 最终,报道中提到了相关国际角色的回应。北约维和部队表示,他们准备在北科索沃做出响应,欧盟外交政策首席代表何塞普·博雷尔谴责这次“可怕的袭击”,并呼吁追究责任。这次袭击发生在最近的欧盟中介谈判破裂之后,博雷尔指责科索沃总理库尔蒂未能建立塞尔维亚主要民族自治区协会,这将给予他们更多自治权。 总的来说,这一事件凸显了科索沃地区复杂的政治和民族问题,以及与邻国塞尔维亚之间的紧张关系。国际社会需要密切关注这一地区的发展,以避免进一步升级的冲突。
Security forces have surrounded at least 30 armed gunmen hours after a police officer was shot dead in Kosovo, the country's prime minister says.
Albin Kurti said the group was in a monastery in the northern village of Banjska and urged them to surrender.
Mr Kurti has accused Serbia of backing what he called a "terrorist attack" that also injured another officer.
The Nato-led peacekeeping force in Kosovo says it has troops in the area and is ready to respond if required.
Tensions have run high in Kosovo, after violent clashes followed a disputed local election in May.
EU-mediated political talks designed to stabilise the situation have stalled.
Kosovo declared independence in 2008 but Serbia - along with Belgrade's key allies China and Russia - does not recognise it.
Many Serbs consider it the birthplace of their nation. But of the 1.8 million people living in Kosovo, 92% are ethnic Albanians and only 6% are ethnic Serbs.
Sunday's shooting happened at about 03:00 (01:00 GMT), after police said they arrived in Banjska, near the border with Serbia, where a blockade had been reported.
Officers were attacked from several different positions with "an arsenal of firearms, including hand grenades and shoulder-fired missiles", they said in a statement.
"We can see armed people in uniforms...they are firing on us and we are firing back," Kosovo police official Veton Elshan told AFP news agency by phone from Banjska.
The Serbia Orthodox Church said that gunmen had stormed a monastery in the village, located in Leposavic, where pilgrims from the northern Serbian city of Novi Sad were staying.
Priests and pilgrims locked themselves inside the monastery's temple for safety, the Diocese of Raska-Prizren said, adding that gunfire was occasionally heard.
The prime minister accused organised criminals with political, financial and logistical support from Belgrade of "attacking our country".
Mr Kurti added that the perpetrators and those who issued their orders would be punished.
Kosovo's President Vjosa Osmani said the incident, "orchestrated by Serbian criminal gangs", was an attack on law and order and "against the sovereignty of the Republic of Kosovo".
She condemned the "open aggression of Serbia towards Kosovo" and called on the country's allies to support Kosovo in establishing law and order.
Ms Osmani urged people to remain united and expressed her confidence in Kosovo's police.
Serbia has not commented on the incident.
Nato peacekeepers are "ready to respond if required" in north Kosovo and were "working intensively to find a solution" to the unrest, KFOR said.
The European Union's foreign policy chief Josep Borrell condemned what he called the "hideous attack" and said those responsible must be brought to justice.
It comes after the latest EU-mediated talks collapsed last week, with Mr Borrell blaming Mr Kurti for failing to set up the association of Serb-majority municipalities which would give them more autonomy.
Unrest engulfed northern Kosovo in May after Kosovo Albanian mayors were installed in majority-Serb areas, after Serb residents boycotted local polls.
Nato deployed an additional 700 troops to Kosovo to deal with unrest in the northern town Zvecan following the elections.
Some 30 Nato peacekeepers and more than 50 Serb protesters were hurt in the ensuing clashes.