Reuters-US disappointed Solomon Islands leader Sogavare to miss White House summit
September 24, 2023 2 min 272 words
这则报道涉及到所罗门群岛总理曼纳赛·索加瓦雷不参加下周与美国总统乔·拜登举行的太平洋岛国峰会,白宫对此表示失望。这次峰会是拜登为了加强与太平洋地区的接触而举行的,而美国正与中国在该地区的影响力竞争中一较高下。这是一个重要的外交事件,因为美国试图通过这次峰会加强与太平洋岛国的关系。索加瓦雷未能参加引起了美国政府的不满,而所罗门群岛外交部长将代表他出席。 这一情况可能反映了在国际政治舞台上的新动向,即一些国家可能更倾向于与中国合作,而不是美国。索加瓦雷在联合国大会上对中国的发展合作表示赞赏,这表明一些国家正倾向于采用中国的政策来推动自身的发展,包括“一带一路”倡议和全球安全倡议。此外,瓦努阿图总理萨托·基尔曼也未能参加这次峰会,因为瓦努阿图政府的立法者需要参加议会的不信任投票。 总之,这一报道反映了美国在太平洋地区的外交努力以及中国在该地区的影响力增加。索加瓦雷的决定可能标志着一种趋势,即一些国家更加倾向于与中国合作,这对美国来说可能是一个挑战。这也强调了在全球政治中竞争和合作的复杂性。
The U.S. is disappointed Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare will not attend a Pacific Islands summit with U.S. President Joe Biden next week, the White House said on Saturday.
Biden will host a second summit with leaders of the Pacific Islands Forum at the White House on Monday as part of his efforts to step up engagement with a region where the U.S. is in a battle for influence with China.
The summit with the 18-member forum will take place on Monday and Tuesday in Washington.
"We are disappointed that PM Sogavare of the Solomons does not plan to attend," a Biden Administration official said.
The Australian broadcaster ABC reported Solomon Islands Foreign Minister Jeremiah Manele will attend the summit instead.
The Solomon Islands Prime Ministers Office did not respond to a Reuters request for comment.
Sogavare spoke at the United Nations General Assembly on Friday in New York, where he praised China's development cooperation as "less restrictive, more responsive and aligned to our national needs", and said Beijing was its lead infrastructure partner.
Sogavare said he reached an understanding with President Xi Jinping during a July visit to China for Solomon Islands to achieve development through China's policies, including the Belt and Road Initiative and Global Security Initiative.
Vanuatu Prime Minister Sato Kilman also will not attend the meeting, an official from his office told Reuters on Friday, because all Vanuatu government lawmakers need to be in parliament on Monday for a no-confidence vote.