Reuters-Republican presidential hopeful Pence says China close to becoming evil empire
September 18, 2023 3 min 487 words
这篇报道涉及前美国副总统迈克·彭斯称中国接近成为"邪恶帝国"的言论,以及共和党候选人在2024年总统选举中对中国的态度。首先,我们可以看到,彭斯强调中国对美国的战略和经济威胁,将其描述为美国在21世纪面临的最大威胁之一。他提出了一系列措施,包括增加对台湾的军事援助,中美经济关系的切断,限制中国国民在美国技术公司工作以减少知识产权侵权,以及全国范围内禁止中国拥有的TikTok社交媒体。这反映了共和党内部普遍认为中国是美国主要外部敌人的看法。 文章还指出,约50%的美国人将中国视为对美国最大的威胁,这反映了美国公众观点的变化。与此同时,彭斯批评了一些共和党候选人在乌克兰问题上的立场分歧,以及他们对中国如何看待美国对俄罗斯入侵乌克兰的继续响应的看法。他强调了美国必须向乌克兰提供所有必要的军事支持,以帮助其击败俄罗斯军队,并警告称如果共和党中的某些人支持"孤立主义",那将对中国构成潜在威胁,尤其是对台湾。文章还提到中国近年来在台湾附近加强了军事活动,以回应台美"勾结"的情况。 总的来说,这篇报道反映了美国政治中对中国威胁的不断升级,并突显了共和党内部在如何应对中国问题上的分歧。彭斯的言论凸显了对中国的担忧,但也凸显了党内在乌克兰问题上的分歧。这表明中国问题在美国政治中已成为重要的焦点,并将继续引发激烈辩论和政策争论。
Former Vice President Mike Pence said China is close to becoming an "evil empire" on Monday as he and fellow Republicans vying for their party's presidential nomination ramp up rhetoric against what they say is America's number one foreign adversary.
"China is the greatest strategic and economic threat facing the United States in the 21st Century," Pence said in a speech at the conservative Hudson Institute in Washington.
"China may not yet be an evil empire – but it is working hard to become one," Pence said.
Pence called for increased arms sales to Taiwan, breaking off U.S. economic ties with essential Chinese industries, restricting Chinese nationals working in U.S. technological companies to reduce intellectual property theft, and a nationwide ban on Chinese-owned TikTok social media.
The Republicans campaigning to become the party's pick for the November 2024 election are almost in unanimous agreement: China is the leading foreign foe of the U.S.
In this Republican race, the attacks are more frequent and the proposals bolder, political operatives said, thanks to a shift in U.S. public opinion.
Some 50% of Americans identify China as the greatest threat to the United States, according to a Pew Research poll released in late July. Russia is next, according to 17% of respondents.
Vivek Ramaswamy, a tech investor in the race, is due to deliver a speech on Thursday in which he will lay out his plan for securing economic independence from China.
Fellow rival and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is also due to give a foreign policy speech soon, his aides said. In it, he is expected to lay out an aggressive stance towards China. DeSantis has already called for ending normal trade relations with China. In Florida, he has banned TikTok from government and school-issued devices.
In his speech, Pence amplified a split within the Republican candidates over the war in Ukraine, and how China will view the continued U.S. response to Russia's invasion of its neighbor.
Pence said it was vital the U.S. gives all military support necessary to Ukraine so it can defeat Russian forces.
Without naming them, Pence decried what he called the "isolationism" of some 2024 rivals - such as Ramaswamy, DeSantis and former President Donald Trump - who have questioned unchecked military and economic support for Ukraine.
"Consider what would happen if the Republican appeasers are successful in pulling support for Ukraine," Pence said. "What message would it send to China, except a giant, flashing green light for the Chinese invasion of Taiwan."
China, which claims democratically governed Taiwan as its own territory, has increased its military activities near the island in recent years in response to what Beijing calls "collusion" between Taiwan and the United States.