
Reuters-China newspaper says EU probe into EVs excessive sparked by jealousy

September 15, 2023   2 min   266 words

这篇报道涉及到中国国内报纸《环球时报》对欧盟对中国电动汽车(EVs)的调查提出的批评。报道称欧洲对中国廉价电动汽车的调查被描述为“过度”,并表示中国更优越的产品引起了其他汽车制造商的嫉妒。 首先,这篇报道显示了中欧之间在电动汽车领域的竞争激烈程度。中国的电动汽车市场在全球范围内蓬勃发展,而欧洲车企显然感到了竞争的压力。这一竞争是市场的正常一部分,但中国方面似乎将欧盟的调查视为非正常竞争手段。 报道中的“嫉妒”一词可能有些过于强烈,但它反映出了中国对自身电动汽车产业的自信。然而,应该指出的是,欧盟对中国电动汽车的调查不一定是出于嫉妒,更可能是为了确保市场公平竞争。在国际贸易中,确保双方都遵守规则是至关重要的。 中国声称欧盟的调查是保护主义行为,这也是一个值得关注的问题。贸易争端可能会伤害到双方经济关系,因此需要谨慎处理。双方应该通过对话和协商解决分歧,而不是采取单边行动。 最后,《环球时报》的评论强调了公平竞争的重要性,这是一个有建设性的观点。公平竞争有助于推动创新和提高产品质量,最终将使消费者受益。但对于欧盟和中国而言,重要的是要以平和和理性的方式处理分歧,以确保双方能够继续合作,促进电动汽车行业的可持续发展。

Geely vehicles and logo are seen at a car dealership in Shanghai, China August 17, 2021. Picture taken August 17, 2021. REUTERS/Aly Song/File Photo

The nationalist Chinese newspaper Global Times described as "excessive" Europe's probe into cheaper Chinese electric vehicles (EVs), and said China's superior offering are the envy of other automakers.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced on Wednesday the investigation a week after executives at Munich's IAA mobility show said European carmakers had a fight on their hands to produce lower-cost EVs and to close the gap on China's lead in making cheaper, more consumer-friendly models.

Beijing has since blasted the investigation as a protectionist act aimed at shielding Europe's own industry in the name of "fair competition", and warned economic ties could be harmed.

"To tell the truth, when Chinese new energy vehicles shone brightly at the recent 2023 International Motor Show in Germany, we heard some envious and even jealous remarks but we didn't expect Europe's response to be so 'excessive'," the Global Times said in an editorial.

Analysts have warned that should the EU levy duties against Chinese EVs after the probe, which could take up to 13 months, China would likely impose countermeasures, hitting European industries.

"If Europe lacks the confidence and courage to win the market through fair competition, it will be impossible to establish competitiveness in the EV industry," the newspaper wrote.

The investigation is expected to be a focus of talks when EU trade chief Valdis Dombrovskis visits China later this month, where he is expected to renew calls for fair competition.
