The Wall Street Journal-Bidens Odd Campaign Behavior
September 6, 2023 5 min 994 words
这篇报道探讨了拜登总统及其团队在伊利诺伊州开展竞选活动的奇怪行为。伊利诺伊州一直是民主党的强大阵地,自从1988年乔治·H·W·布什赢得该州以来,民主党的胜利一直都是压倒性的。然而,拜登总统和团队近期频繁访问伊利诺伊州,这引起了媒体和政治观察家的疑问。 文章提到,一些政治分析家认为这是为了振奋基本盘,因为拜登总统在党内的支持似乎出现了问题,而没有充满激情的选民将对2024年的竞选产生负面影响。此外,伊利诺伊州将主办2024年民主党全国大会,因此增加对该州的关注也有战略意义。 另一种解释是,这可能反映了白宫的满不在乎,他们认为拜登总统只需访问捐款最多的州之一,就可以表现出对中西部选民的关注。这也可能是一种新的竞选策略,结合了地下室竞选的模式,但偶尔会进行距离摇摆选民只有几百英里的飞行。 最后,文章还提到伊利诺伊州州长普里兹克认为,拜登总统在该州的活动是为了突出他们所相信的政策和成就,以及他们希望在全国其他地方看到的变革。 总的来说,这篇报道引发了对拜登竞选策略的疑问,究竟是在振奋基本盘还是表现出不在乎,这可能会对2024年的选举产生影响。这也反映了政治策略和选民态度的复杂性,以及对竞选活动的各种解读。
“Illinois is solidly blue. So why did President Joe Biden’s reelection effort spend so much time here this summer?,” asks a headline in the Chicago Tribune. Rick Pearson reports:
The Land of Lincoln hasn’t voted for the party of Lincoln’s presidential candidate since George H.W. Bush won the state for Republicans in 1988. Since then the tallies haven’t even been close as Democrats routinely run up double-digit victories. So why does Team Biden feel the need for regular visits to what should be among the safest of safe blue states? Mr. Pearson reports:
... leading Democrats and Democratic consultants said there are a variety of factors at play for the White House’s interest in Chicago and Illinois — most notably making an early effort to build enthusiasm amid signs that the Democratic base has become blase in a donor-rich state that will host the Democratic National Convention next August.
And if enthusiasm for Biden is problematic in Illinois, it also portends problems in rest of the nation including the all important swing states.
”There is some very obvious softness in the president’s numbers with the Democratic base, and you’re not going to be successful in 2024 without an enthused Democratic base. It’s just good politics to pay attention to them,” said Democratic political strategist Tom Bowen, whose work has included the campaigns of Mayors Rahm Emanuel and Lori Lightfoot, but is not part of Biden’s campaign apparatus.
If Illinois is problematic, then the president’s re-election effort is in much deeper trouble than is commonly believed.
On the other hand, maybe the emerging Illinois strategy is not a sign of White House panic but rather of complacency—a sense that Mr. Biden can appear to be concerned about voters in various Midwest precincts simply by visiting the one with the most donors. Mr. Pearson reports:
Illinois is an “easy in and out to a major market in the middle of the country,” David Axelrod, political strategist for President Barack Obama and a CNN analyst, said when asked about Biden’s focus on the state this summer. “I assume some of them are picking up some campaign money while they’re here. And, it is the (DNC) convention city, so they’re building toward that.”...
“Illinois is like the heart of the heartland,” said Bob Reiter, president of the Chicago Federation of Labor. “So, when Joe or Jill Biden comes and talks to the labor movement in Chicago, that reverberates to our sisters, brothers and siblings in Wisconsin and Michigan and Indiana.”
Voters throughout the Midwest must be honored to know that Joe Biden is willing to go all the way to O’Hare. Perhaps this is a preview of a new 2024 hybrid model of basement campaigning, similar to the one Mr. Biden employed during the Covid panic of 2020 but with occasional flights that take him within a few hundred miles of swing voters.
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Perhaps the oddest explanation for Team Biden’s behavior comes from Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D., Ill.), who seems to be trying to present his state as some sort of model. Mr. Pearson reports on the Pritzker analysis of Team Biden’s behavior:
”I do think that being in Illinois is an opportunity for them to point to the things that they really believe in, because we’re accomplishing those things here,” Pritzker said. “It’s an opportunity in many of those situations for them to highlight the good work that they do that’s helping Illinois and also, the things they’d like to see in the rest of the country.”
So many Illinois residents have lately wanted to see more of the rest of the country—and less of Illinois—that Allied Van Lines reported that Illinois was its “top outbound state” for customers moving in 2022.
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In Illinois and around the country, perhaps Team Biden is focused on trying to excite voters who are already partisan Democrats because the president is unlikely to win over people who are not already in his camp. Susan Page and Ken Tran report for USA Today:
An exclusive USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll of unlikely voters − those who are eligible to vote but say they probably won’t − give Trump a lopsided edge over President Joe Biden among Americans who are deeply skeptical of politics and government.
Registered voters who say they aren’t likely to go to the polls back Trump over Biden by nearly 20 percentage points, 32%-13%, with 27% supporting a third-party or other candidate. Citizens who are eligible to vote but haven’t registered also favor Trump by close to 2-1, 28%-15%; 27% prefer another candidate...
The findings reflect a tidal change from a USA TODAY/Suffolk Poll of unlikely voters in the summer of 2012. Then, unlikely voters overwhelmingly favored the incumbent Democratic president, Barack Obama, over GOP challenger Mitt Romney, 43%-18%.
No Time to Spare?
Speaking of odd behavior, a White House event this week has reporters scratching their heads. This column noted the remarkable courage of U.S. Army Capt. Larry Taylor during the Vietnam War. On Tuesday President Biden presented our hero with the Medal of Honor. Michael Shear reports for the New York Times :
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After Mr. Biden finished putting the medal around Mr. Taylor’s neck, the two men shook hands and saluted each other. Mr. Biden quickly left the room, departing even as the benediction was being read.
Did the president have to plan another visit to Chicago?
Bye-ku for Jimmy Buffett
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End of summer here;
Relaxing forever in
-- Chip Watkins
James Freeman is the co-author of “The Cost: Trump, China and American Revival” and also the co-author of “Borrowed Time: Two Centuries of Booms, Busts and Bailouts at Citi.”
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(Teresa Vozzo helps compile Best of the Web. Thanks to Chip Dickson.)