
Republicans Would Be Wrong to Abandon Ukraine

November 16, 2022   2 min   343 words


The need to “take care of our people” and leave Ukrainians “to fight their own battle” voiced by many is understandable but dangerously shortsighted (“Republicans Increasingly Opposed to Aid for Ukraine, New Poll Finds,” U.S. News, Nov. 4). What happens in Ukraine will affect us and the rest of the world for years to come.

If Ukraine is left to be swallowed up by Russia, President Vladimir Putin and his ilk will be emboldened to continue with their imperialistic expansion in a replay of the Nazi takeovers of Poland, Czechoslovakia...

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The need to “take care of our people” and leave Ukrainians “to fight their own battle” voiced by many is understandable but dangerously shortsighted (“Republicans Increasingly Opposed to Aid for Ukraine, New Poll Finds,” U.S. News, Nov. 4). What happens in Ukraine will affect us and the rest of the world for years to come.

If Ukraine is left to be swallowed up by Russia, President Vladimir Putin and his ilk will be emboldened to continue with their imperialistic expansion in a replay of the Nazi takeovers of Poland, Czechoslovakia and Austria leading up to World War II. The idea that our country could once again be faced with such a conflict is terrible to contemplate. It makes concerns about inflation, energy policy, education and the rest seem petty in comparison. Support for Ukraine until it is able to reclaim all the territory that Russia has brazenly taken is essential.

Richard F. Braunlich

Briones, Calif.

Republicans’ growing tendency not to face the reality of Mr. Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and hegemonic goals is frightening and appalling. Strong arguments can be made for limited involvement in Ukraine, but Russia can’t be allowed to prevail. To say that you’ve got to take care of yourself before you can take care of other people is what Mr. Putin is counting on. We must be better than this.

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Kenny Moore

Parker, Colo.