普京已经用能源炸弹拿捏住我们了 - 纽约时报中文网
October 28, 2022 9 min 1714 words
As the Russian Army continues to falter in Ukraine, the world is worrying that Vladimir Putin could use a tactical nuclear weapon . Maybe — but for now, I think Putin is assembling a different weapon. It’s an oil and gas bomb that he’s fusing right before our eyes and with our inadvertent help — and he could easily detonate it this winter.
随着俄军在乌克兰的行动继续受挫,全世界都在担心弗拉基米尔·普京可能会使用战术核武器 。也许吧,但就目前而言,我认为普京正在组装另一种武器。这是一枚石油和天然气炸弹,他就在我们眼前,在我们不经意地帮助下,给炸弹安装引信——今年冬天,他可以轻而易举地引爆它。
If he does, it could send prices of home heating oil and gasoline into the stratosphere. The political fallout, Putin surely hopes, will divide the Western alliance and prompt many countries — including ours, where both MAGA Republicans and progressives are expressing concerns about the spiraling cost of the Ukraine conflict — to seek a dirty deal with the man in the Kremlin, pronto.
如果他这么做了,那么家庭取暖用油和汽油的价格可能会飙升。普京当然希望,这样的政治后果将分裂西方联盟,并促使许多国家——包括我们的国家,主张“恢复美国伟大荣光”的共和党人 和进步派人士 都对乌克兰冲突不断上升的成本表示担忧——立即寻求与克里姆林宫的人达成肮脏的交易。
In short: Putin is now fighting a ground war to break through Ukraine’s lines and a two-front energy war to break Ukraine’s will and that of its allies. He’s trying to smash Ukraine’s electricity system to ensure a long, cold winter there while putting himself in position (in ways that I’ll explain) to drive up energy costs for all of Ukraine’s allies. And because we — America and the West — do not have an energy strategy in place to dampen the impact of Putin’s energy bomb, this is a frightening prospect.
When it comes to energy, we want five things at once that are incompatible — and Putin is onto us:
1. We want to decarbonize our economy as fast as we can to mitigate the very real dangers of climate change.
1. 我们希望经济尽快去碳化,以减轻气候变化带来的非常现实的危险。
2. We want the cheapest possible gasoline and heating oil prices so we can drive our cars as fast and as much as we want — and never have to put on a sweater indoors or do anything to conserve energy.
2. 我们希望得到尽可能便宜的汽油和取暖用油,这样我们就可以随心所欲地开快车、多开车,也不必在室内穿毛衣,或者做任何节约能源的事情。
3. We want to tell the petrodictators in Iran, Venezuela and Saudi Arabia to take a hike.
3. 我们想告诉伊朗、委内瑞拉和沙特阿拉伯的石油独裁者们,别碍我们的事。
4. We want to be able to treat U.S. oil and gas companies as pariahs and dinosaurs that should pump us out of this current oil crisis and then go off in the woods and die and let solar and wind take over.
4. 我们希望孤立美国的石油和天然气公司,让它们成为过时的恐龙,他们应该把我们从当前的石油危机中拯救出来,然后在森林中死去,让太阳能和风能取而代之。
5. Oh, and we don’t want any new oil and gas pipelines or wind and solar transmission lines to spoil our backyards.
5. 哦还有,我们不希望任何新的石油和天然气管道或风能和太阳能输电线路破坏我们的后院。
I understand why people want all five — now. I want all five! But they involve trade-offs, which too few of us want to acknowledge or debate. In an energy war like the one we’re in now, you need to be clear about your goals and priorities. As a country, and as a Western alliance, we have no ladder of priorities on energy, just competing aspirations and magical thinking that we can have it all.
If we persist in that, we are going to be in for a world of hurt if Putin drops the energy bomb that I think he’s assembling for Christmas. Here’s what I think is his strategy: It starts with getting the United States to draw down its Strategic Petroleum Reserve. It is a huge stock of crude oil stored in giant caverns that we can draw on in an emergency to offset any cutoff in our domestic production or imports. Last Wednesday, President Biden announced the release of 15 million more barrels from the reserve in December, completing a plan he laid out earlier to release a total of 180 million barrels in an effort to keep gasoline prices at the pump as low as possible — in advance of the midterm elections. (He didn’t say the last part. He didn’t need to.)
假设我们坚持认为,一旦普京丢下那个我认为他在为圣诞节组装的能源炸弹,我们将进入一个充满痛苦的世界。我认为他的策略是这样的:首先让美国动用其战略石油储备。大量原油库存储藏在巨大洞穴中,我们可以在紧急情况下使用这些原油,以抵消我们国内生产或进口受到的任何中断。上周三,拜登总统宣布 在12月从储备中再释放1500万桶,完成了他早些时候制定的总共释放1.8亿桶的计划,以努力将汽油价格保持在尽可能低的水平——在中期选举之前。(他没有说最后这句。他不需要说。)
According to a report in The Washington Post, the reserve contained “405.1 million barrels as of Oct. 14. That’s about 57 percent of its maximum authorized storage capacity of 714 million barrels.”
根据《华盛顿邮报》的一篇报道,该储量“截至10月14日含 4.051亿桶。这大约是其最大授权存储容量7.14亿桶的57%。”
I sympathize with the president. People were really hurting from $5- and $6-a-gallon gasoline. But using the reserve — which was designed to cushion us in the face of a sudden shut-off in domestic or global production — to shave a dime or a quarter off a gallon of gasoline before elections is a dicey business, even if the president has a plan for refilling it in the coming months.
Putin wants America to use up as much of its Strategic Petroleum Reserve cushion now — just like the way the Germans gave up on nuclear energy and he got them addicted to Russia’s cheap natural gas. Then, when Russian gas was cut off because of the Ukraine war, German homes and factories had to frantically cut back and scramble for more expensive alternatives.
Next, Putin is watching the European Union gear up for a ban on seaborne imports of crude oil from Russia, starting Dec. 5. This embargo — along with Germany and Poland’s move to stop pipeline imports — should cover roughly 90 percent of the European Union’s current oil imports from Russia.
As a recent report from the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C., noted , “Crucially, the sanctions also ban E.U. companies from providing shipping insurance, brokering services or financing for oil exports from Russia to third countries.”
正如华盛顿特区战略与国际研究中心最近的一份报告指出 ,“至关重要的是,制裁 还禁止欧盟公司为俄罗斯向第三国的石油出口提供航运保险、经纪服务或融资。”
The U.S. Treasury and European Union believe that without that insurance, the number of customers for Russian oil will shrink dramatically, so they are telling the Russians that they can get the insurance for their oil tankers from the few Western insurance companies that dominate the industry only if they lower the price of their crude oil exports to a level set by the Europeans and the United States.
My sources in the oil industry tell me they seriously doubt this Western price fixing will work. Russia’s OPEC Plus partner Saudi Arabia is certainly not interested in seeing such a buyers’ price-fixing precedent set. Moreover, international oil trading is full of shady characters — does the name Marc Rich ring a bell? — who thrive on market distortions. Oil tankers carry transponders that track their locations. But tankers engaged in shady activities will turn their transponders off and reappear days after they’ve made a ship-to-ship transfer or will transfer their cargo into storage tanks somewhere in Asia for re-export, in effect laundering their Russian oil. Oil in just one very large tanker can be worth roughly $250 million, so the incentives are enormous.
我在石油行业的消息人士告诉我,他们严重怀疑西方定价方式是否会奏效。俄罗斯的OPEC+合作伙伴沙特阿拉伯肯定不想看到这样的买家定价先例。此外,国际石油交易中到处都是可疑之人——还记得马克·里奇 吗?——他靠市场扭曲赚大钱。油轮携带跟踪其位置的转发器。但从事不正当活动的油轮将关闭转发器并在进行船对船 转运几天后重新出现,或者将其货物转移到亚洲某处的储油罐进行再出口,实际上是在非法销售他们的俄罗斯石油。一艘超大型油轮中的石油价值大约为2.5亿美元,因此动机是巨大的。
Now add one more dodgy player to the mix: China. It has all kinds of long-term, fixed-price contracts to import liquefied natural gas from the Middle East at roughly $100 a barrel of oil equivalent. But because President Xi Jinping’s crazy approach to containing Covid — in recent months some 300 million citizens have been under full or partial lockdown — China’s economy has slowed considerably, as has its gas consumption. As a result, an oil industry source tells me, China has been taking some of the L.N.G. sold to it on those fixed-price contracts for domestic use and reselling it to Europe and other gas-starved countries for $300 a barrel of oil equivalent.
现在再加入一个狡猾的玩家:中国。它从中东进口液化天然气,拥有各种长期、固定价格的合同,价格约为每桶油当量100美元。但由于中国国家主席习近平为遏制新冠疫情采取的疯狂做法——近几个月来,约有3亿公民 处于完全或部分封锁状态——中国经济已大幅放缓,天然气消耗也大幅放缓。一位石油行业消息人士告诉我,中国因此一直在将一部分用固定价格买入、用于国内使用的液化天然气,以每桶油当量300美元的价格转售给欧洲和其他天然气匮乏的国家。
Now that Xi has locked in his third term as general secretary of the Communist Party, many expect that he will ease up on his lockdowns. If China goes back to anything near its normal gas consumption and stops re-exporting its excess, the global gas market will become even more scarily tight.
Last, as I noted, Putin is trying to destroy Ukraine’s ability to generate electricity. Today more than one million Ukrainians are without power, and as one Ukrainian lawmaker tweeted last week, “Total darkness and cold are coming.”
最后,正如我所指出的,普京正试图破坏乌克兰的发电能力。今天,有超过100万乌克兰人用不上电,正如一位乌克兰议员上周发推 说,“全面的黑暗和寒冷即将来临。”
So add all of this up and then suppose, come December, Putin announces he is halting all Russian oil and gas exports for 30 or 60 days to countries supporting Ukraine, rather than submit to the European Union’s fixing of his oil price. He could afford that for a short while. That would be Putin’s energy bomb and Christmas present to the West. In this tight market, oil could go to $200 a barrel, with a commensurate rise in the price of natural gas. We’re talking $10 to $12 a gallon at the pump in the United States.
The beauty for Putin of an energy bomb is that unlike setting off a nuclear bomb — which would unite the whole world against him — setting off an oil price bomb would divide the West from Ukraine.
Obviously, I am just guessing that this is what Putin is up to, and if the world goes into recession, it could take energy prices down with it. But we would be wise to have a real counterstrategy in place, especially because, while some in Europe have managed to stock up on natural gas for this winter , rebuilding those stocks for 2023 without Russian gas and with China returning to normal could be very costly.
显然,我只是就普京的目的做了一番猜测,如果世界陷入衰退,能源价格也会随之下跌。但我们最好还是拿出一个真正的应对策略,尤其是考虑到,虽然一些欧洲国家已经在设法为今年冬天储备天然气 ,但在没有了俄罗斯天然气供应、中国天然气用量恢复正常的情况下,2023年重建这些储备可能会变得非常昂贵。
If Biden wants America to be the arsenal of democracy to protect us and our democratic allies — and not leave us begging Saudi Arabia, Russia, Venezuela or Iran to produce more oil and gas — we need a robust energy arsenal as much as a military one. Because we are in an energy war! Biden needs to make a major speech, making clear that for the foreseeable future, we need more of every kind of energy we have. American oil and gas investors need to know that as long as they produce in the cleanest way possible, invest in carbon capture and ensure that any new pipelines they build will be compatible with transporting hydrogen — probably the best clean fuel coming down the road in the next decade — they have a welcome place in America’s energy future, alongside the solar, wind, hydro and other clean energy producers that Biden has heroically boosted through his climate legislation.
I know. This is not ideal. This is not where I hoped we would be in 2022. But this is where we are, and anything else really is magical thinking — and the one person who will not be fooled by it is Vladimir Putin.