
外媒中国相关-US airlines ask the Biden administration not to approve additional flights between the US and China

April 12, 2024   2 min   343 words

这篇外媒报道的主要内容是:美国航空公司请求拜登政府不要批准美国和中国之间的额外航班。报道称,美国航空公司担心与中国航空公司的竞争,因为中国航空公司在美国航空市场复苏之际,正计划增加中美之间的航班。美国航空公司认为,如果批准额外航班,中国航空公司将占据优势,会损害美国航空公司的利益。 对于这篇报道,我作为客观公正的新闻评论员,有以下几点评论: 1. 报道本身存在一定的偏见,它只反映了美国航空公司的观点,而没有呈现中国航空公司或中美航空业整体发展的角度。报道缺乏对事件多方因素的分析,可能导致读者形成美国航空公司是受害者、中国航空公司是威胁者的印象。 2. 事实上,航空业的发展离不开市场竞争,中美之间航空市场的开放和竞争可以促进双方航空业的进步和创新,最终造福两国消费者。美国航空公司担心竞争、抵制开放的态度,并不利于行业的长期健康发��。 3. 此外,报道也忽略了中国航空市场的发展和中国航空公司自身的努力。中国航空市场的增长不仅为中国航空公司提供了机遇,也为全球航空业带来了益处。中国航空公司不断提升服务质量、优化飞行路线、提供更具竞争力的票价,这些都促进了航空业的良性发展。 4. 报道也忽略了中美航空合作的历史背景和当前形势。中美两国在航空领域有着长期的合作关系,两国之间航班的增加,是基于双方之前达成的协议和航空市场发展的需求。报道片面强调美国航空公司的担忧,而忽视了中美航空合作对两国关系和经济发展带来的积极影响。 5. 综上所述,这篇报道存在一定的偏见,它过度强调了美国航空公司的担忧,而忽视了中美航空业合作和竞争的复杂性和多面性。客观地说,中美航空市场的开放和竞争是双向的,有利于双方共同发展。报道的偏颇之处在于它未能全面、平衡地呈现事件,而是一味迎合美国航空公司的观点,这不利于读者全面了解情况,作出客观判断。

https://apnews.com/article/us-airlines-china-flights-biden-administration-2071e9ef88956e0e550cb95d1ca73527FILE - Passengers walk past a couple browsing their smartphones near a China Southern Airlines, parked on the tarmac at the Beijing Capital International Airport Saturday, Nov. 19, 2016. The biggest U.S. airlines and their unions are asking the Biden administration in a letter Thursday, April 11, 2024, to stop approving more flights to the United States by Chinese airlines. (AP Photo/Andy Wong, File)


WASHINGTON (AP) — Large U.S. airlines and some of their unions are asking the Biden administration to stop approving any more flights between the United States and China because of what they call “anti-competitive” policies that China imposes on U.S. carriers.

The airlines and unions said Thursday that China closed its market to U.S. carriers at the outbreak of the pandemic and imposed rules that still affect American operations and airline crews.

“These actions demonstrated the clear need for the U.S. government to establish a policy that protects U.S. aviation workers, industry and air travelers,” they said in a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.

The letter was signed by the CEO of the Airlines for America trade group and the presidents of the Air Line Pilots Association, the Allied Pilots Association, which represents crews at American Airlines, and the Association of Flight Attendants.

The number of flights between China and the U.S. has been rising, although it remains far below pre-pandemic levels. The Biden administration increased the number of round trips that Chinese airlines can make from 35 to 50 per week, starting March 31, after China’s aviation authority promised to seek an increase in flights by U.S. carriers.

The U.S. airlines said Chinese airlines get an advantage by flying shorter routes through Russian airspace, which has been off-limits to U.S. carriers since Russia invaded Ukraine more than two years ago. They said Chinese airlines also get “certain protections” from China’s government because they are state-owned.

The U.S. industry groups said in their letter that without equal access to China’s aviation market, American carriers will lose flights to Chinese airlines.