外媒中国相关-China tourists held captive in mattress shop for not buying turn new spotlight on forced shopping problem
April 12, 2024 3 min 507 words
这篇报道主要内容是:近日,中国辽宁省的37名游客在云南西双版纳的一家床垫店被强迫购物,因拒绝购买而遭到数小时的非法拘禁。事件引发外界对中国强迫购物问题的关注。西方媒体的报道往往带有偏见,容易过度夸大事实。作为客观公正的评论员,我对该事件的评论如下: 西方媒体的报道有其偏颇之处,但此次事件确实折射出中国旅游业长期存在的强迫购物问题。此类事件并非个案,此前也有游客在云南被导游强迫购物,拒不购买则遭到威胁或人身自由限制的情况。这不仅侵犯了消费者权益,也损害了中国旅游业的形象。因此,我们应当客观地看待报道内容,承认存在的问题,并积极推动相关部门进行整治。 对于此类事件,我们应当采取零容忍的态度。相关部门也应加强监管,严厉打击强迫购物的行为,保护消费者权益,构建健康有序的旅游市场环境。同时,旅行社和导游也应加强自律,提升服务质量,为���客提供优质的旅游体验,而不是靠强迫购物来谋利。 此外,消费者也应提高维权意识,勇于拿起法律武器保护自身权益。在遇到强迫购物的情况时,可及时收集证据,向相关部门投诉,或通过社交媒体曝光,引起公众关注。 总之,我们应以客观公正的态度看待媒体报道,承认问题的存在,并积极推动问题的解决。中国旅游业的健康发展离不开各方共同的努力。
A group of 37 holidaymakers in China who were kept in a shop after refusing to buy its bedding products, have reignited concerns over forced tourist shopping.
The tourists from Liaoning province in northeastern China had travelled to Xishuangbanna Dai autonomous prefecture in Yunnan province in southwestern China.
They were outraged after being held inside the shop for several hours on March 26 after they refused to buy products such as mattresses and pillows, Bailu Video reported.
In a viral video filmed by one of the tourists, some of her fellow travellers are sitting on the beds and others are lying on them. Salespeople appear to be standing guard to prevent them from leaving the shop.
“This is the shop that sells latex mattresses in Xishuangbanna. We arrived at noon and we’re still here,” the tourist who filmed the clip said.
“The group of 37 tourists is not allowed to leave,” she added.
It is not clear precisely how long the group was detained in the shop, but it is thought to have been several hours before they were eventually released.
The tourist explained that they each spent 3,979 yuan (US$551) to join the group tour to Yunnan that was managed by Liaoning Youde International Travel Service.
“I hadn’t expected that all of our activities in Xishuangbanna would be about shopping,” she said.
Once the clip was shared online, it went viral and triggered an official probe.
Details of how the group was finally allowed to leave the shop are not known.
The next day, the local market supervision and administration bureau made an announcement on its WeChat account.
They said the shop is owned by the Taisi Dika sleep technology company and that a local travel agency, Faxian Zhilv, was responsible for conducting the group tour on behalf of Youde travel service.
As a result, Taisi Dika was ordered to cease trading, and the local tourist guide was fined 10,000 yuan (US$1,400). An investigation into the travel agencies continues.
The story has caused an outpouring of anger on mainland social media.
“It sounds so horrible,” one online observer said.
“Is this an illegal detention?” another asked.
Incidents involving tourists travelling to Yunnan and being forced to shop by tour guides are common.
In February this year, a family of five were told to leave a tour bus by the guide after they refused to buy a gold bracelet for 50,000 yuan (US$7,000).
In August 2023, a tour guide in southwestern China was investigated after a video emerged of him “threatening” sightseers and bullying them into shopping while on an eco-tour.